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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. Nice seeing everyone there. Yes I do know who the masked man is. Can't wait to see some of the pics!
  2. I can't help it... Warning! Possible thread jack in progress.
  3. Hmm, I think I got about 4000 in this year. Not many but enough to keep me smiling.

    Ever notice the worlds troubles seem a little less important after a ride?

    Colors are brighter, food tastes better and other peoples jokes are funny, sometimes.

    For Halloween I thought I would be the 'Monty Python Chorus' I will just sing silly songs and drink beer. :) Failing that, I'll just drink beer.

  4. I like the second one, better sense of being there.
  5. I thought this was over for the season as of a couple of weeks ago. At least at BWR. Already made plans for the night, had I known... Note to self - Check board more often.
  6. Greetings! Hmm, Reckless Ops. This is a kinda weird one, LEO's judgment call and all that, unless of course you crashed. Depending on what the LEO considered reckless you may or may not have some room to wiggle. Of course I have to say, I'm not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. Remember you can appeal a verdict if you don't like it. Mayors court is not a 'Court of record' (last I heard) as such it can be appealed at will. Good luck!
  7. So, spill your guts, what did you get?

  8. Opps, it was turned off because I was riding and I forgot to turn it back on.

  9. This looks to be a nice graphic of a "set" of "talking points". I admire the artwork, but can't help seeing the bias. C'mon, color coding it red and blue? Liberals love their children and conservatives don't?!? I can't help but wonder how this was determined? Perhaps it would help to put this in focus, realize the person who made it is a citizen of the UK. The might not see things the same way as a US citizen might, ya think?
  10. A good ride, thanks to all. Nice seeing some new faces to put screen names to!
  11. Good seeing you again! Doesn't look like much riding for awhile.

    I haz a sad. :(

    Spring will come again, hope to see you then!

    OH! Halloween Party!!

  12. CMS, HTML, CSS, Some PHP/Java. + Hosting, Domains, MX records and that kinda thing cheap. Hosting is done on bullet proof Unix servers. ar-hosting.info anotherealm.com ALWPA.info anotherealm.net anotherealm.org A few others too. Looks like you have plenty of help on this one. Good luck!
  13. Still meeting at Mc Donalds at noon?
  14. Sounds like fun, I'll have to see what the morning brings. If I can get clear it sounds like a nice ride. Noon at McDonalds, home of the cold cheeseburger I hear.
  15. Project Harp anyone? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_HARP
  16. It was an epic failure by anyone's standards. Bumbling thieves who allegedly attempted to steal a motorised go-kart by squeezing into the back seat of a Holden Commodore in Toowoomba were in even deeper when police showed up to arrest them. :lol::lol:
  17. Wed forecast: High 70 low 46 chance of precip 2% Looks like it will be dry.
  18. looks pretty good for all the troubles you had.
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