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Everything posted by rawlins87

  1. Today's workout squats. First time back squatting in a few weeks. That is 275lbs for 4 paused reps
  2. How's everyone's workouts/diets going today?
  3. Had a friend live there as well. Pretty much same story about that place.
  4. http://www.garagejournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=85668
  5. This was my workout this morning. Then walked a mile tonight. Except I built my own. Built>bought
  6. Butters knows the history of this bike though...
  7. Repost? http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/102346-2003-yamaha-yzf600r/
  8. Favorite day of the week; leg day. Back still sore from deadlifts and heavy lifting at work. So leg press instead of back squats. Leg press 5 sets 7-10 Front squats 3 sets 8-12 Leg curl 2 sets 12-15
  9. Sounds like a good start. Little by little
  10. Glws if this was a lightning I'd be all over this.
  11. I personally like the fury's but the color on that one defiantly isn't for me.
  12. http://columbus.craigslist.org/pts/4369442593.html
  13. http://touch.groupon.com/deals/ga-bk-fontana-village-resort-4 Mobile link
  14. 10lbs is probably water weight. Actual fat loss should be slower. Keep track of calories, do a carb refeed day every 2-4 weeks. And if still not losing cut more calories (or add more cardio).
  15. I've personally rode (from Harley) spotters (883 and 1200), dyna, road king, fat bob, street glide, road glide, and the ultras. None are fast or worth owning IMO. And as mentioned in above posts 1200 sportsters are slow as f
  16. You can see what appears to be an intercooler. But yea for a bike claiming that much horsepower there gonna be turbo lag and defiently hear it spool.
  17. Brian's dyno'd lower hp bikes than what this guy is claiming and had traction problems and wheel spin on the dyno but this guy can throw one let over and it's all good
  18. You can manipulate the dyno to show higher numbers than what it actually makes. I'm doubting a Harley even with turbo and nos is making 400wheel
  19. Oil pickup location is overrated.
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