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Everything posted by RFM

  1. Can "Our Bikes Don't Leak" be a site sponsor? That would be rad.
  2. But you can't set your sights too high, having both Cory and Nick working there... Ps. Cory/Nick... Love you/mean it.
  3. RFM

    stupid bugs

    I had a bee go up my shorts when I was about 10. I stood up and yelled "Shit!!!" at the dinner table and started to swat at my junk. Wasn't a popular way to deal with said insect with my parents...
  4. In. Taking my daughter on Sunday.
  5. RFM

    Saturday the 7th

    I'm going to see if there's others tonight. I usually say the A. Valley party house beyond Mt. Vernon is a good place.
  6. RFM

    Saturday the 7th

    I was thinking of an early am ride, taking me NE- A. Valley and the like.
  7. Still waiting for the Ohio Riders thong.
  8. This. That's how we roll in my house...
  9. Working until 8:00, but I may head out for chikuns afterwards. On the motorcycle now, so weather dependent.
  10. Such a sad loss, at such a young age. RiP...
  11. I don't raise sheep or plant vegetables for food. Why would I want to brew beer? I just want to get home and say, "Grab me a beer, woman!":p
  12. Just bumping this for the awesome. HAHA!!!
  13. Oh my. The chicks are going to dig you!!
  14. I was assuming the tint guy was J. Banks (Professional Eclipse) out on the east side. Been by his place many times- old college friend.
  15. I'm all for tazing fat people.
  16. I'm fine with Banks location. If there's serious intent, I'd throw down.
  17. Did you just say Meow?
  18. I'm going to quote the ladyfriend from this morning. "Wow. Just wow." Then she went outside and had a cigarette. She doesn't smoke.
  19. Though the bike has a bit of cool... I hate what was done to the original. It makes me want to punch every Roland that I meet. If it was totalled, ok... but WTMFFF????
  20. Picked up a couple Spec 1Rs that were clearanced. Fit, finish, and feel- all equal or better than the other high end lids IMHO.
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