When he fled the scene, it no longer was solely the ability to repay for his negligence- to a felony Hit and Run. This is one where the victim asked for prosecution, and was willing to testify. If I commit a felony, I'd find my ass in jail in cuffs. I know this because I drove with a driver's license that expired, and had a $50 fine for missing a court date in North Carolina (so a suspended license). The court date wasn't required if the ticket was paid. Ticket paid, but not before the court date, so an extra $50... Never knew about the fine, as it was from 3 years earlier, and never mailed to my current address. As for the driver's license. Guilty- yeah, I didn't look at my license after my birthday... I got into more legal issues for having a burnt out headlight than this chode for a hit and run. My ability to pay for any of the proceeding was never taken into account.