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BMMW last won the day on August 1 2014

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    NE Ohio
  • Vehicles(s)
    Sharkskinned R6, Tiller1000, XR600R, No-Mar

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  1. Kirtland I'm selling it to fund a .308 SOCOM purchase.
  2. It does light up the sky. More fun than any AR spring gun. I bought it for more than it's worth, because it was pre-ranch. I'd like to get $500 for it.
  3. (4) 20 and (1) 30 round magazines available in the sale.
  4. Thank Zeus Yamaha did not just slap ABS on an already perfect bike ... I hear a quickshifter in between the wailing goodness!
  5. Did your AR sell?

  6. New in the box. $500 or best offer.
  7. It is cute and fluffy.
  8. Manufactured in 1991. It is a pre-Ranch Rifle design with the pencil barrel and no scope mount provisions. This is a discontinued model. Excellent condition. Includes (1) 30 round magazine. The new Ranch Rifle sells for $795, not sure what this is worth. Offers accepted.
  9. Can I be gay too? As many of you know, I have been pondering a second bike of the cruiser bike nature. I have reached a decision and fully implemented my plan. I realized that I have spent a good many years lazily meandering my sportbike and myself far back from the edge. And that driving style is now a huge part of the enjoyment I get out of riding to the point that it is an inseparable part of who I am as a rider. So it only stands to reason that if I get a cruiser I will continue to do the same. That means I would go full on couch potato on it, causing me to never be cited again, no free lunches and dramatically decreasing the chance that I would f' up and die. Therefore I have decided to keep my talents where they are, on the underutilized sportbike. It makes me happy, no need to correct something that can't be fixed?
  10. Politics? We're in a flawed system, at most levels, not all. It's not right for a future that we need. Reality? The future is arriving in waves and most people are hideously unprepared to deal with it.
  11. There may never be any candidates of value. Depressing. That may be why less than 50% of the people actually make the effort to vote.
  12. Ban me now ... who in their right mind needs 5,000 points?
  13. Dragging knee on flat tarmac seems a bit of a waste.
  14. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Awesome pricing!!!
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