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Everything posted by socaln8tv

  1. lolol... that is hilarious actually......and would require an act of god since im fixed. brilliant catch thou. i didnt see that reply coming.
  2. brilliant. the one on the far right is the bad-ass apache
  3. about whether or not im sick. mild flu syptoms after 4pm and fine the next morning. same thing today... so just when i think im getting over it, 4pm rolls around .... is it just me everyone? or is there a bug out there that i don't know about where we are getting strung along? scratchy throat body aches lethargic slight cough again all mild symptoms. its very wierd actually. yesterday i was downing apple juice to try and stav off the symptoms. ugh.
  4. hey! how funny we're just there.. its off the beaten path so i think its cool someone else here knows what im talking about! i was in santa fe last xmas and headed up to las vegas one night. have you been to those hot springs i mentioned? not too bad if you don't mind the occasional nude hippie cruising down from colorado.
  5. you had to go there... gawd i miss del taco. dont forget the first/last stop for in n out burger b4 vegas/stateline!
  6. we used to spend many a weekend oct to april up in the lancaster/high desert area riding dirt during the year.. miss the dry lakes bed cause it made it easy to introduce riding to our kids. Why'd we move to ohio? i like to call it spousal relocation. i made a trip here before he closed the deal though. i had to check out cbus for myself bc we'd done it before to southern texas without checking it out first --and i was back to san diego within 8 months (it was that bad... don't go to south texas. its a complete shithole). Hope you adjust ok to the midwest. took my oldest son and i about a year realistically.
  7. interesting! i never knew of this road. bishop as an end town kind of sucks, but mammoth and tahoe are closeby at least... love the easter sierra
  8. i was on route 66 a large part of this past summer, not by bike thou. generally, from central ohio, you'd head over to st.louis and meet up with it there. i was in my suv with three kids, and a dog. i love route 66, the topography, the interesting sites both off interstate and on. i would personally find i-40 torture on a bike but that is just me. i can only stand going straight for so long. i can tell you this however, there is simply no way to stay on the orig road the entire way. i enjoy photography and i took some varous pics and got off the interstate frequently, bc i was not out for doing good time. old ruins, natural hot springs, focal points of interest, actual standing gas stations from back in the day preserved, i don't know what your are intested in but shoot me a msg if you want more specifics about places in new mexico, az and ca. i recommend this one stop in las vegas new mexico. its actually off route 66 by an hour, but the drive is worth it.. its a natural develped hot spring at the bottom of pinon covered canyon. at the top of the canyon is the old arm & hammer castle, which is now some converted int'l college. truly spectacular under the stars at night, but not a place you would find lest someone told you about it.... i really enjoyed sharing it with my kids. there are still a lot of smaller towns dedicated to preserving the orig road but too small to remember specifically, and are far more interesting once you get closer/passed Amarillo. obviously i favor out west.
  9. even for me, the term spooning is too much.. seriously. .
  10. i think you've coined the phrase "fishing on christmas" very well! hysterical! -k
  11. well articulated. its nice to read about the positive impact of a online community. i regret i havent been able to meet people here in person yet, but one day look foward to putting faces to names! -Kimberly
  12. i fight the utter misery of the cold. hopefully it will be short lived
  13. socaln8tv

    Fuck bees

    what a disaster. at least they werent killer bees.
  14. im new to street riding as well and recently obtained my endorsement. welcome from Marysville!
  15. hey matt, im up in marysville. newer to riding street but im enjoying, both cruiser and sportbikes. welcome to the board!
  16. transplant from corona two+ yrs now ... ever enjoy palomar/ortega? im new to street but been riding dirt all my life. i miss the desert so much. what brought you to ohio? welcome to the site!
  17. ive never had problems bringing in casinos and have always supported it at the polls. lobbyists, organized religion and trade unions are all the same at the end of the day. obtain the goal by any means poss. even crooked means.
  18. too funny! ha ha! lol -- you would be correct on a few of these housewives...

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