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Everything posted by Cypress

  1. Cypress

    Flame on

    Whoa. I think I would've cried...until I remembered that I had insurance.
  2. Thanks, Jagr. Apparently I've been missing out on all the fun.
  3. http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/11/16/obama.medal.of.honor/index.html
  4. Happy "hidden or unknown" birthday!
  5. I dig it. I thought the adjustable windscreen was a cool feature. I've never seen that on a bike before, but I'm not sure if this is the first bike to do it or not.
  6. Chevy sounds excited about Jbot getting groped. No worries, Chev, I won't judge you.
  7. Note to self, never transport a gun through NJ. I'm sure his mother is living with a lot of guilt.
  8. I was in line for a total of 26 minutes. Not too bad for a free meal for both me and my girl.
  9. The weird part about Golden Corral was that they gave people an option to share a table with random people to speed up the line. That's a little too awkward for me.
  10. Here's a way to slip by being picked for the "porno scanners". Beware NSFW. http://todayilearned.co.uk/2010/11/13/clever-idea-to-avoid-full-body-scan-in-the-airport/
  11. All I got was, "Sorry, that article is no longer available"
  12. Cypress

    COD Black Ops

    Black Ops shatters the old record of highest opening day sales with 5.6 milion sold grossing $360M. http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/gaming.gadgets/11/11/call.of.duty.sales/index.html?iref=allsearch
  13. Fox news is full of opinions...not facts.
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