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Everything posted by Cypress

  1. I didn't have a bike all year until I bought the ZX-10 about a month ago, so I've only got to put down maybe 500 miles this year.
  2. Did anyone in that area suffer from the power outage? You'd think that something that big and dangerous that workers would have done double and triple checks before detonating it. http://www.examiner.com/pop-culture-in-cleveland/youtube-com-video-exploded-ohio-tower-falls-wrong-way-people-run http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-11731636 http://www.geekologie.com/2010/11/tower_demolition_fail_why_goin.php
  3. Wow. You never know, man...you never know.
  4. Cypress

    COD Black Ops

  5. http://www.gearfuse.com/cupcakes-for-zombies/
  6. For that reason alone...I would too.
  7. Cypress

    No caption

    It's like you're gazing into my soul. Creepy.
  8. I'm sure people will still make it out eitherway. That or risk gettin' cabin fever.
  9. You just wait. Once the first fatality happens this thing is going to be dismantled quick.
  10. Finally, something I actually understand. Tee hee hee. Silly bunny. Tee hee hee.
  11. What I'm about to say is to be used like a novelty bong at Waterbeds 'N Stuff. This product isn't to be used for illegal purposes. However... I'm all for killing him...um, with kindness, but if that doesn't work how about you... 1. http://www.igotthelastword.com/ Buy this and put it up in a window facing his house. He'll get the message everytime he looks in your house's direction. 2. I'm likin' the gay mags idea. He might be so freaked out that his wife will see them coming to the house that he'll be waiting by the mailbox everyday to pick them up before she does. That alone will look pretty weird, and I'm sure would make for an awkward conversation. 3. These next few are a little more aggressive, but if his car is left outside and you just so happen to find it unlocked you could use this little trick. Of course you need to do this one beforehand, but put a can of shaving cream in the freezer over night. Take an angle grinder to it and cut it out of the can. Now all you need to do is throw it in his car. Once it heats up it'll fill up the car. Best to do on a warmer day. 4. This one will work if he has a mail slot on his door. Wait for the guy to leave for a few days, maybe on a vacation, and buy yourself a big ol' bag of maggots. Unload your heafty bag right through the slot. Don't forget some rotting meat to help them suckers along. After 8-10 days the house will be filled with flies. 5. http://www.crabrevenge.com/index.html This one could be a little tricky to pull off in your situation, but it sure as hell would be pretty funny once your heard the husband and wife arguing back and forth about who cheated on who. 6. This one's pretty mean and could turn out bad for our little friend, but...try painting a small swastika somewhere on his car. He might not see it, but I'm sure others sure will. 7. If all else fails...seduce his wife. Okay, let me finish on a pacifist note by saying... Revenge is like burning down your own house to kill a rat. Never sacrifice your own character for the sake of revenge.
  12. I'd never want a HD poster...unless it was a VRod. I agree those things are sexy.
  13. Do you have a webcam? PMS SOS, PMS Alert, PMS Tracker, Peiod Tracker, Period Planner, iPeriod, iMensies, Monthy Cycles, Code Red...just to name a few. And for the guys...Girlfriend Tracker. That way you know when to send her off to her parents' house for a week.
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