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Everything posted by Cypress

  1. We'll all be laughing at this months from now, crackin' jokes and what not. Get well soon, girl...and for gawd sake, get on the nearest treadmill.
  2. Cypress

    On my soap box.

    Stop complaining about the sigs. If you don't like them, turn them off. User CP > Edit Options > Thread Display Options
  3. I'm glad you're doing better. Don't push yourself too hard. If you can't make it out to a bike-night, so what, you just worry about you. If you need anything, you know we're all here for you.
  4. Dude...don't fall for that shit.
  5. I finally got around to reading this damn thread and I give it two thumbs up.
  6. I didn't wreck. I was just using my bike to drop-kick the tree but it moved out of my way just in time. Those damn trees are quick.

  7. Competence: The quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually.

  8. "Kickstand issue"? LoL. Don't let a lack of competence be your downfall, Pratt. ;)

  9. I think everyone wants to do it but nobody is putting the effort forth to start it.
  10. Maybe you should of had Jeff help you get the bike out of the garage. ;)

  11. That really sucks. Are you okay...is the bike?

  12. Besides the fact that it's been split in to two separate threads, combined they're larger than Kay's Today thread.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZAjJ-g0UDw
  14. WTF is this crap?! Only Busa riders would dream this shit up. Sam, get out while you can or be prepared to be sucked in to a stereotype.
  15. Reverse psychology or ambush? Hmm...
  16. I was in the bushes watching you.
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