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Everything posted by dmagicglock

  1. well i'm pretty sure if that healthcare passed a few more people would die than normal
  2. i guess i found the same irony but in a different light, I just remember the media shit storm that ensued when the cheney & halliburton thing came to light, and this has kind of been off the radar. Granted we're talking billions vs. millions, but in principle, pretty similar.
  3. Coalitions of interest groups running at least $24 million in pro-overhaul ads hired GMMB, which worked for Obama's 2008 campaign and whose partners include a top Obama campaign strategist. They also hired AKPD Message and Media, which was founded by David Axelrod, a top adviser to Obama's campaign and now to the White House. AKPD did work for Obama's campaign, and Axelrod's son Michael and Obama's campaign manager David Plouffe work there. is that somewhat shorter?
  4. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090819/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_health_care_consultants "By SHARON THEIMER, Associated Press Writer – Wed Aug 19, 6:08 pm ET WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama's push for a national health care overhaul is providing a financial windfall in the election offseason to Democratic consulting firms that are closely connected to the president and two top advisers. Coalitions of interest groups running at least $24 million in pro-overhaul ads hired GMMB, which worked for Obama's 2008 campaign and whose partners include a top Obama campaign strategist. They also hired AKPD Message and Media, which was founded by David Axelrod, a top adviser to Obama's campaign and now to the White House. AKPD did work for Obama's campaign, and Axelrod's son Michael and Obama's campaign manager David Plouffe work there. The firms were hired by Americans for Stable Quality Care and its predecessor, Healthy Economy Now. Each was formed by a coalition of interests with big stakes in health care policy, including the drug maker lobby PhRMA, the American Medical Association, the Service Employees International Union and Families USA, which calls itself "The Voice for Health Care Consumers." Their ads press for changes in health care policy. Healthy Economy Now made one of the same arguments that Obama does: that health care costs are delaying the country's economic recovery and that changes are needed if the economy is to rebound. There is no evidence that Axelrod directly profited from the group's ads. Axelrod took steps to separate himself from AKPD when he joined Obama's White House. AKPD owes him $2 million from his stock sale and will make preset payments over four years, starting with $350,000 on Dec. 31, according to Axelrod's personal financial disclosure report. A larger issue is a network of relationships and overlapping interests that resembles some seen in past administrations and could prove a problem as Obama tries to win the public over on health care and fulfill his promise to change the way Washington works, said Sheila Krumholz, executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics, a government watchdog group. "Even if these are obvious bedfellows and kind of standard PR maneuvers, it still stands to undercut Obama's credibility," Krumholz said. "The potential takeaway from the public is 'friends in cahoots to engineer a grass roots result.'" White House spokesman Ben LaBolt said that Axelrod has had no communications with Healthy Economy Now or with Americans for Stable Quality Care, and his payments aren't affected by the ad contracts. Axelrod's son, a salaried AKPD employee, doesn't work with either coalition "or stand to benefit from that work," LaBolt said. "David Axelrod has fully complied with the toughest-ever ethics rules for administration officials, including divesting from AKPD before the administration began," LaBolt said. Ken Johnson, a PhRMA senior vice president, said GMMB and AKPD were the only two firms working on the $24 million in ads. He declined to reveal how much each was paid beyond saying that each received a small percentage of the total. The coalition's campaign team decided to hire the two firms, he said. "In a perfect world, it's a distraction we don't need right now, but these are very gifted consultants who have done very good work," Johnson said. "And it's also important to remember that at the end of the day, the coalition partners determine the message." Healthy Economy Now spokesman Jeremy Van Ess said the two firms were hired because "they are the best at what they do. Period." The coalition didn't seek approval or direction on any of its activities from the White House, said Van Ess, a partner in a consulting firm that has worked on Democratic Senate election activities and a former speechwriter for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. AKPD and GMMB both proudly proclaim their connections to Obama on their Web sites. AKPD has a full page on Axelrod that includes pictures of Obama. In one photo, Obama hugs Plouffe on election night. "We are deeply honored to have been part of Barack Obama's historic campaign to change America and the world," GMMB says on its Web site. GMMB's partners include Jim Margolis, a senior strategist for Obama's presidential campaign. Both GMMB and AKPD also have worked for Democrats this year. The Democratic National Committee paid AKPD at least $106,000 for polling, media production, communication consulting and travel costs from February through April. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee paid GMMB roughly $75,000 from February through June for ads. And GMMB took in at least $9,000 this year from Senate leader Reid's political action committee for communications consulting."
  5. I'm no gender expert, but looks like a man to me!
  6. thats what you get for driving a pussy euro car, maybe if her car weighed more than a 1000 lbs she and her friends wouldn't be sippin chef boyardee through a straw!
  7. congrats! i remember when I finally graduated college, it was an excuse to binge drink for like two weeks straight... have fun with that!
  8. +1 And do people not lock their doors? Someone tries to break into my house, the whole "locked door" gives me plenty of time to grab my gun.
  9. I thought if a girl wanted to pawn her pussy off on a buncha guys that she would post it on craigslist, not here!
  10. i did just pee but thats because I'm on the toilet.
  11. 3 things we can take away 1.) this guy is clearly a terrorist 2.) We should add every local band to the terror watch list too for glueing concert posters to street polls... or shit what about staples in a telephone poll... FELONY 3.) The joker was an anarchist not a socialist, so it would've been better to paint Obama as the penguin, with his lil penguin hands going "gimme gimme gimme" and then saying socialist underneath.
  12. congrats! "I miss you too" Sincerely, A good nights rest
  13. Reminds me of the chic fila guy video, is it same person? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dJu1Jj7VTw
  14. I've almost got you pinpointed on google maps, I'll be over later to pick up my new 2005 gsxr jk! I bet the only reason your bike wasn't stolen is cause you noticed them, keep watch, and like Jagr said at least buy a xena disc lock alarm. They move your bike and BAMN you hit em with the 125 dB's at 3 a.m. and they'll be skerd away.
  15. I saw the steelers have the vikings on their schedule this year, I'm pretty sure Ben and the rest of the crew are gonna rape Favre and the vikings! Don't worry this time it'll be on camera and legal! haha jk couldn't resist
  16. diversification is the only "free lunch" in this world
  17. theres a couple kids at UD here in dayton that rock those
  18. this thread is headed for greatness, i can feel it
  19. if you guys have pocket pool races, lemme know, I'm down!
  20. euthanizing people who have been arrested that much is totally morally and ethically OKAY. true story.
  21. thanks for the bump J, I knew I could count on you Once the wifey was prego last year, it pretty much sat
  22. good looking out, I saw your zzr on craigslist, I can't believe you haven't sold it for that price! I better not give you too good of a plug on this thread, I might lose a potential sale
  23. SOLD Okay so I've tried posting this on craigslist several times to no avail, so I figured I'd try here before I drop some cash on a cycle trader ad. I have a 5 month old baby and haven't had any time to ride it this past year so I'm looking to get rid of it and probably get another one in a couple years when the my daughter is older. I'm looking to get $6100, which I believe is more than fair considering mileage and kbb is $6535 (not including mods/ext warranty) The bike is a 2006, that was purchased in June of 2007 from Southside Yamaha in Dayton. It was the last 06 leftover and had 0 miles when purchased. It also has the extended Yamaha warranty which is good through 2012. Currently it has around 3600 miles, (give or take a few cause I do get it out every couple weeks to keep the battery charged). I have a few mods done to the bike which include: No Cut Delrin Frame sliders Lockhart Flushmounts in front D&D flushmount kit in rear Carbon Fiber bar ends Jardine MotoGP exhaust (slip on) Black Anodized Aluminum race fuel cap Anniversary Tank Pad faux carbon fiber mirrors Here is the link to my craigslist posting and I'll attach some pics in this thread or you can view my albums. If you're interested PM me and I'll give you my cell # or any additional information you need. edited link* http://dayton.craigslist.org/mcy/1381614599.html
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