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Everything posted by dmagicglock

  1. barney frank is a great symbol of motivation, if that retard can make it in life I still have hope.
  2. I can't wait to check this thread in the morning and see all of its beautiful progress by the way when are we getting attacked by terrorists? biden said 6 mos... its been 7... Cheech should we change the color on the terror alert system? Shit could happen any day now.
  3. I can't believe you got that for 400 bones, what a friggin deal. Good luck, sounds like it shouldn't take too much work to get it back into good shape! Nice writeup as always
  4. as long as its backed by JRMMiii trust reserve, then yeah... duh
  5. I could almost quote the last 5 replies or more and throw up weird, if the same thread (after being cleaned up by a mod) takes the same direction as it did previously? then maybe you should listen to peoples advice, albeit unsolicited. Just my two cents, don't mean to be "sippin on the haterade" just trying to help you with the sale, consider this another free bump! cheers to thread de ja vu.
  6. I think I'm well traveled, I'm certainly no Miss South Carolina. I travel a lot for my job and have in previous jobs. I've had my share of walks through the Gas Chromatography machine in an airport. I work mostly in Urban areas so although I understand the meaning of "knee high by the fourth of july" I'm no briar. haha Anyhow, I need to get out to a M&G sometime, I wish so many of you fuckers weren't up in columbus. I live South of Dayton, but if I am up for a good case of Iron Ass one weekend, I'll have to come to a cbus meet and greet and even buy you a beer without asking for an illegal search and seizure. Wouldn't it be nice if the border patrol guy bought you a drink before he put his hands there? jk Anyhow, I understand your concerns and I think we both want similar things (smaller government?)
  7. i don't know whats funnier, wrong side or her "check 1 2 3 4 ... "
  8. the one's i've seen for my r6 you can even buy a new tank painted to match, but that starts to get pricey (400-500 for tank alone)
  9. Did changing the threat level really change the government’s reach on my civil liberties? Maybe you’re referencing the patriot act? But as the news story goes the “threat level” was used for propaganda. It’s not a yes or no answer because your question is off base. If we didn’t have a generic threat level system with pretty little colors, and an attack did happen… wow people would question the government’s efficacy about warning citizens of a possible terror attack. I say vested interest, because Tom Ridge has a vested interest in selling a book. Why wait till now to mention those details, unless you’re going to profit on them through a book deal? That’s a legitimate argument. NBC has a vested interest in seeing Obama succeed because they sell his merchandise on their website. I find it so ironic that the same people who don’t want a government big enough to screen their phone calls, are okay with a government that can provide them health insurance, cash for clunkers and bailouts. This time I’m going to hit you with some Thomas Jefferson “'A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.” I believe that quote just as much as the last one. The threat level was most recently updated on August 21st and hasn’t changed since Sept. of 2007. My reference is that Obama violates our civil liberties by allowing the Federal government to overstep its boundaries. Maybe you and he should read the 9th and 10th amendments, I’ll even let you borrow my copy of the Consitution and Bill of Rights. Maybe you should pick a different category Connery.
  10. dmagicglock


    i wonder if she had to pay for two seats, or three seats even
  11. welcome aboard, aerik are you starting a motorcycle gang we should know about?
  12. I'm sure the sex was great, but I just can't imagine someone being so dense, they wouldn't hear you when you say "i'm going to europe", i mean thats the kind of thing that gets brought up multiple times in conversation before you leave.
  13. maybe he bought their bonuses on ebay
  14. you should put a poll in this thread, so you have some real quantifiable statistical data, oh and it looks cool
  15. I went to the Greene shopping mall the other day (like Easton) and in the mens bathroom they had a "green" urinal that didnt use water, and it was basically like peeing in a porcelain hole and there was some placard saying how it would save 4000 gallons of water per year or something? Anyways, I was disturbed that the green movement has superseded the "i like to be clean and not get splashback from the previous guys urine" movement.
  16. I like the LS version, check out the guy who has his LS one for sale, i think it looks super clean.
  17. I think Chertoff was limited in the end of his term by a partisan congress, so a lot of the funding that was provided for their projects never went to fruition. As far as defending individual liberties, I wasn't standing up for the patriot act or big government, merely making satire at the hypocrisy of the liberal media when it came to their standards of judging vested interests. If I bash obama, its not to bash someone, its because he genuinely deserves it. He just as much as his predecessor has disregarded the constitution. One was "for our safety" and the later is for "redistribution of wealth" but I think Ben Franklin put it best when he said "Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither."
  18. i'd pull a Van Goh to be with kate... I'm not sure she'd take it as genuinely as I would mean it
  19. I'm just as confused at kate beckinsale... I thought I'd see her picture when I clicked on this thread!?
  20. nice job, i like the symmetry of the saddle bags, maybe get some pipes that are ceramic wrapped?!
  21. i dont know about all of you but i feel overwhelmingly safe with janet napolitano as homeland security advisor now...
  22. I understand that we have a high GDP but roughly 48% of it is government spending, so I think that skews the figure. side note: have you ever seen a "truth in lending" disclosure when you buy a house? Its amazing how much you pay for a mortgage over 30 years, if you just saved your money with interest you could buy a friggin mansion instead of owning a 3 bedroom ranch. I think we could definitely help our economy if we fixed the trade deficit, but good luck with that... Also I think if we had a "fair tax" that would entice more businesses to come here and would shift more money to private sector without inhibiting the government funding. But that is a different thread for a different time! Getting ready to read the book on it so maybe I'll start a thread on the fair tax when I'm done
  23. I'm not going to flame on you for your view, I realize that some people will use resources to better themselves. Unfortunately, because the government does provide so much, it also allows apathetic people to do nothing and still survive in which there's no motivation for betterment, especially if their okay with living in section 8 housing, with welfare, medicaid, etc etc. I also work "around" impoverished children and families everyday, and I see them spend their government money on 40 oz and cigarillos. So perspective is everything.
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