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Everything posted by Sara_Rides

  1. LOL...Are You Saying I'm Mad?? (Damn, you might be sort of accurate about that...good to know I've FINALLY found a place where I'll fit in!)
  2. Stories like this are so sad....God Bless the vicitms and their families
  3. OMG I totally watched that episode of the Secret Lives Of Women where that picture came from---or a similar picture anyway...I can handle the chiding...first of all because it's done out of jealousy (lol, teasing) and second because you gave me + Rep for it already which was SOO nice!! So, Thanks for that!
  4. Isn't Hoggy's more of a Harley D type of place? Wouldn't it be exciting for a whole bunch of OR street, and dual sport riders to show up? I can't wait to go to one, they sound like a blast!
  5. Aw, thanks! Can't tire of being heard I'm right? lol Resistance is futile...I always get what I want....hehe
  6. Come on girl, you need to step up your game...I've been on the site less that 24 hours, but I'm already a member (30 posts) and my Intro thread is way longer than this one....lol...just teasing...I'm with cbrgirl though....the girls only forum totally rocks
  7. What a good guy...willing to take his girl to see Elton John....lol I'm not sure I could stomach it...j/k
  8. Not sure if Memorial Day weekend is going to be the best travel time for bikes and cages alike...although I bet the back roads will be alright....sounds like a blast....wish I had a pair of street legal wheels
  9. To Know Me Is To Love Me.....lol....Besides, would all these folks have posted or be posting in here if it wasn't true?
  10. Welcome....I recently learned that we are a Motorcycle Gang....is that not the coolest thing ever? I can't wait to tell my mom.....lol
  11. I'm super excited about that! I feel so loved and welcomed! I think a lot of it comes from the fact that I keep posting responses in here...plus I'm just downright amazing!!
  12. Good point, I'm guilty of the same thing....it's only annoying when you're in a hurry and in all reality I'm always grateful that someone else has prevented me from getting a ticket
  13. Clever trick I guess....shady and a real dick move...but clever...he would have gotten me....if I ever sold anything...thanks for the heads up
  14. I have six tattoos, the stars on my chest you can see in one of my pics, I will work on taking pictures of the others but can't promise anything. I have a yellow rose on my shoulder, a dolphin on my hip, the breast cancer support ribbon with my late aunts name and my grandmothers name on my right arm, a dove carrying an olive branch on my left and a butterfly on my foot...lol, so it might be a minute before I get pictures up...but thanks for taking notice
  15. So, I posted some pictures of myself, my current bike and my cutie pie baby boy...check them out and let me know what you think!!
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