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Everything posted by Sara_Rides

  1. That always sucks to have to...my fiance (zerocrash) recently sold his street bike too, and it was tough on him...at least he still has his dual sport which he likes better anyway...but all the same it still hurts...too bad
  2. Jim (as in Jim West, from Wild Wild West lol )
  3. Welcome, welcome! I'm going to take the class also, only I have to try for the walk-in because all the classes are full...glad to know I'm not the only novice rider on this site!
  4. Those red-grooved tires are hot...wonder if they come in pink? or purple or teal, which would match the bike I'm going to get perfect.....
  5. Well, I like to stick to the old addage...Everything Happens For a Reason. We don't always know why but there is always a reason and most of the time things work out for the better...good luck continuing your search...I again, think I found a bike...well my fiance found one for me...so we'll see
  6. I can't imagine how much courage and bravery it takes for you to do that....I have so much respect for that...and the way you want to protect your daughter...I couldn't do that....my brother is in the Air Force ROTC and I struggle with that...I just can't imagine the mind set you must be in...more power to you!! And Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do!
  7. So, I feel the need to clarify exactly the type of camplng we are talking about...for us (my fiance and myself)...we want to load up our bikes with all the gear we can fit RIDE to our destination...mostly back roads if we can...set up camp and do some hard core sight seeing and off road riding...if you have even been on adv riders there is a thread about a single mom who loaded up her bike and rode for 6weeks with nothing but what was on her bike...that is the kind of camping we are talking about...so if you know of locations where we wont get arrested for camping there, lol. We're a couple of bad asses!!
  8. Damn...been there done that...you oughta check out my ranting thread...bike deal fell through...I feel ya...luckily my fiance has all the resources to find me something different
  9. Damn, but boys can be awfully dirty...lol
  10. That is SO funny! Too late for it to be ignored!! But it's cool....MY MAN was nice enough to let me in on the boy secrets...he is the most helpful guy I've ever met, so blame zero for filling me in...cause I know the real workings of you guys....the jokes over...lol just you wait till we get a hold of this info in the girls only forum...you guys will all be screwed...most of the chicks on here are with one of the guys on here...and now that we know....hahaha....you're easy days are over!! LOL
  11. I'm good with teasing...I'm good with teasing, it's fun an playful....and you're right, it would be self-evident

  12. Um, yea, that would be difficult to explain....lol

  13. LOL, you're such a goof....I love it...you crack me up!!!

  14. I don't have either of those... .look me up on Myspace...I'm at www.myspace.com/lovemylife3429
  15. I didn't even thing about it that way...although that is so often what get's me in trouble

  16. :) Aw that is so sweet! And this is why I love this site....everyone is SO nice!! There is nothing wrong with a cruiser...I want one eventually...I want one of each....dual sport, sport and cruiser
  17. Will you ever have to go back? I notied a darling baby girl on your bike...is that you're little angel? Glad you made it back safe...what branch did you serve in?
  18. it might....but even sitting isn't the same as riding...I have my TTR I can sit on anytime I want...which bike would you let me grab a seat on?

  19. Sara_Rides


    Head to the Pony...They have the biggest selection that you can touch and get a feel for...then go look for them online at way cheaper prices!
  20. You might be right about that, but when you don't have the cash to buy outright and you still want the nice shit you gotta go with financing. Not that it matters anyway...both of my great deals fell through, I'm a little pissy about it actually....it's like...am I EVER gonna get a set of two wheels?

  21. Welcome to the site, friend!
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