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Everything posted by Sara_Rides

  1. Oh! God Bless You!! You deserve a HUGE HUGE ride for what you'll be doing the next year...I'm glad you joined the site, keep us posted while you're over there....are you married? Do you have kids? Where are you going? I thought they weren't sending any more troops over there!! Hopefully you can get a big ride going!!
  2. Technically you would be agreeing, because I disagreed with the stereotypes I described... so that makes me right!! Yay!!
  3. :lol:yea right...that can not be true...I am almost positive that I am WAY sweeter than you, and I don't melt....
  4. Hey, thanks for clearing it up and providing the info...it makes me not feel as bad...Harley's are everywhere...how could they not afford to make a payment with as many bikes as they sell? Just goes to show you it can happen to anyone...again, thanks for the info!
  5. Thanks Adam Parks!! You're a huge help!!
  6. VanDy--I actually think that sounds like a great idea to read and then attempt...I like it...I'm excited to be first on the list!! Thanks for that opportunity! Ninja--If you still have it I would definately be interested and I would be happy to return it when finished...PM me if you still have it, please!
  7. Okay, it sounds absolutely intriguing!! Im good with getting dirty and seeing whatever there is to see that those without the dual sport can't get to Are there fees for the camp sites etc? I really wouldn't mind planning that...oh...I'm moving into my new place the first week of July....I guess it would be a great break if we can get all our shit together by then....wow sounds like fun
  8. You might have wound up helping yourself by posting this...no one will let you live it down and they'll all be on you to get a spare key...use the zippers on your jacket etc. etc. so maybe it will help you remember next time
  9. You need to post some pics of your bikes! I'm going to be so jealous of the pink...one of these days though...
  10. So, today we tried to get my car refinanced so I could trade it in for a truck and it just didn't work out...damn. When will something go my way? My bike deal falls through, I can't get a truck...although I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the KLR250
  11. What are the fees associated with going to Wayne/Perry....I know with Wayne (at least I think it's wayne) you have to get some type of permit to ride on the property...so how do you go about obtaining one? If I can figure a way to haul my TTR out there I would LOVE to go...great chance for experience before I get my street wheels!!
  12. Glad you finally made a decision...can't wait to see some pics of you with your helmet and your bike...I definately thing you made a good choice...hope you like it!
  13. It's unfortunate I think, but it's not like they are the only dealer to have that issue lately, I've read about a few others that are at risk for closing their doors. I'm sure that another sponsor will step up for bike week
  14. My son is three years old and he talks about wanting to sit on "mommy's dirt bike" and how he wants to ride a dirt bike....my fiance and I went for a ride a few weeks ago and we stopped at the gas station and there was a little boy in there and we were carrying our helmets and he was awestuck...it was adoreable....I just hope no one looks down on me for putting my little angel on the back as soon as I possibly can.
  15. Definately...thanks!! I have the TTR125 now, so going to a 250 wouldn't be a big deal and I'm all about doing work on my own bike, so that could definately be a possibility. I joined adv rider too my username is DirtyGirlRider, but I haven't figured out how or where to post on there yet....I definately want to do some serious dual sport rides...which is precisely why I want to get a dual sport before I get my sport bike...you have been very informative and helpful!!
  16. Come on boy's...a little rain never hurt anybody!! I can't believe y'all are complaining about some cool drops when it's 80 degrees outside!! lol...and you call girls sissies...I'll ride in the rain any day!!
  17. 4th of July, huh? That would be a blast wouldn't it? If I can convince my man to go on a trip (which shouldn't be too hard...) I would LOVE to do something like that over a holiday...and the whole point is go riding so who cares about sight seeing---and I love the tent idea and also love that there is a real shower....sounds awesome!
  18. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Wayne are Perry are trail riding areas are they not? Does that mean other OR folks are interested in a trail ride? I know I am!!
  19. Go to E-bay and buy cheap new pants...unless you love the ones you have....depending on the damage it can be fixed at home by a pair of skilled hands.
  20. That's not a bad idea at all!! +1...Thanks! I used to live in Dub V why in the heck didn't I think of that? Great suggestion...that wouldn't be a far ride and the view is GORGEOUS!!
  21. I actually don't think that's a bad idea...especially if the damage is horrible, it might not get you anywhere, but it could encourage other students to speak up about it, or even turn themselves in. +1 for that advice (IMO)
  22. Howdy! Thanks for joining!
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