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Everything posted by Sara_Rides

  1. Aw, thanks for the comments on the pictures!! Can't get enough of those!!
  2. Ok, that was kind of clever...not laugh out loud funny but still cute...how interesting that the actress who played the wife's name is Sarah Burns...which is my name exactly except for the the "h"--for me, that was funnier than the rest of it
  3. I get so jealous when I see posts about rides I have never wanted anything more in my life...but it's all good...I'm getting my bike on TUESDAY and hopefully will have my permit by the end of the week, so this weekend I can ride! Next weekend, I'll try to to do the walk in the for the class so I can get my full ML then you boys just wait, I'll be out with y'all every chance I can get!! Hope all who go for ice cream have a blast!
  4. I would love to be the first one to borrow the book when you're finished...especially now...I'm getting my bike on TUESDAY!!! Hopefully I'll have my permit by then too...
  5. I think it sort of depends of the store you go to and the criteria for being an employee of the geek squad etc.
  6. After party would be great, until they start talking about what a great time they had and I'll know I didn't get to go Although, I do love a good party!!
  7. That's no way to look at it...besides I'm not just doing this...a few beers to accompany the posting....not the best way to avoid getting chubby...although so far I've been fortunate and NOT gained...just gotta hit the gym some more I suppose

  8. Well, I was just briefed on what is included in the scavenger hunt....DID NOT realize it was as intense as it is and I agree 100% that it is NOT the place for me to take a new bike...really? One of the things from last year was to get a tattoo...I still think it would be totally awesome to go, but my man doesn't think his bike will cut it in the race and would prefer I not ride with someone else, so I'm out this year...maybe next year when I *hopefully* have my Gladius...if it was a little more low key I would be all over it, but I would certainly not fit in on any team with as little experience as I have...thanks for the honesty...I certainly appreciate it
  9. I'm always up late...well almost always...no Taco Bell for me...I spend my evenings doing this...lol

  10. Wow...that was insane...the video was definately confusing, it took me a few times to watch it and figure it out...now what I don't understand is first of all...how the hell did they manage to hit the almost stopped cop car...why was he riding without a license...what was his punushment...etc. I wish there had been an article poster with more information about the video
  11. Lol, yea I agree, but I think it's more of a commraderie thing though...I am in Columbus...currently Hilliard/Pickerington/Westerville area...I'm all over, and certainly willing to commute if you guys really want to go...I've never been comfortable with a sitter for my son...the only people who have watched him have been kids I babysat for or my parents, so I understand it can be difficult finding a good sitter, and again I understand wanting to get on on the bike with your man, so anytime!

  12. Aw, thanks! Nice to know someone's got my back! Hopefully I'll get along with everyone...but I guess oh, well if I don't...thanks for the picture comment by the way...I love the personal attention like messages and comments and rep etc. so thanks!!

  13. Ok, WAY cool, where were you when I was picking out MY user name? lol
  14. I'm flattered! And I'm so glad I joined up...I don't have a whole ton of friends to date...I'm a great friend but those I was close to and I drifted apart because my life is so different...I feel like here I have something in common with everyone and I love it! Thanks for all the comments!! I promise I'm really nice, and I think I could fit in anywhere...I am very open and laid back and pretty cool...I think, anyway...I'm not trying to sound conceited...just trying to let y'all get to know me a little bit...so sorry if it sounds otherwise
  15. OH!! That Makes so many posts make so much more sense! Thanks!
  16. +1 for that! Also, if that isn't one of the sweetest things ever...trying so hard to give her everything she wants so sweet
  17. Well, I'll have my temp by the end of the week for sure...not sure if I'll be comfortable enough riding on my own to get involved with a scavenger hunt...but what better way to learn I suppose....the only thing I'm waiting on as far as picking up my bike is to get the dude to answer the damn phone so I can make arrangements...my brother has a truck, but goes back to school tomorrow, and my dad has a jeep, but no hitch...so I will keep you in mind for the hauling the bike portion...oh and I love being called a pretty lady!! Thanks for that!
  18. Um, I know that I grew up in a cave and am completely lost when it comes to strange things in the real world....but really? Come on...first of all that is totally creepy...and kind of gross, and since when can the troops not carry their own gear? Haven't they been doing that all along? I mean, neat concept and our blessed troops certainly deserve a break...but it's still super creepy...and for what it cost to build that thing they probably could have built a few more jeeps to haul stuff....maybe...I suppose I don't truly know...but I still think it's wierd
  19. what does qft mean? I have been trying to figure it out but can't
  20. You could always take a sitter for the kids...or find another couple to go with that wouldn't mind watching the little ones so you and your hubby could ride together, that would be the ultimate ride...open road and you're true love.,.it can't get any better than that! If you don't find someone to watch the kids while you're there, but want to cruise locally with your hubby, I would be more than happy to watch you kids...I have a 3 year old and 7+ years experience in child care...I know how important it is to be able to spend some quality time with your man...so anytime...my cell is 614-843-0391
  21. IF I don't have street wheels by then...or the license to accompany the wheels lol, then if someone is willing to let me ride bitch, I'm there! I would love to have my wheels (which I found, by the way...just gotta make arrangements to pick it up) and be able to ride with everyone...I'm definitely a novice still though, so I'm not even sure I could swing it (especially with that whole legal thing of needing an ML..lol) But I still think it would be a blast!!
  22. :lol:That is funny! The spider...haha I Love looking at all the bike pics...some of you guys have some really hot bikes...lucky
  23. Sara_Rides

    New G

    Good to have you...noticed you mentioned something about tattoos....there is a thread for tattoo pictures...you oughta post 'em
  24. OMG! This Sounds Like SO much Fun! Can anyone go? I know I'm new to the forum and all, but this would be such a great way to get to meet some people and just have a good time....it sounds amazing!!
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