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Everything posted by Sara_Rides

  1. Hey, Thanks for posting! No such thing as being last seeing as how I still don't have a bike...kudos to you for supporting the dual sport decision...I agree with everything you said about them...especially the part about chicks looking cool on them but I look cool on anything! LOL Thanks for the craigslist option, I really do appreciate that so many of y'all are so actively helping...very much appreciated!!
  2. It's 'Cher' and how about SHARE for another play on words?? lol
  3. I'm digging the girls colors...lol...it's next best thing to having a pink bike...which I will at some point it time...just you wait...I might be able to get the KLR225 which is teal and purple...you'll definately see me coming!! YAY!!
  4. This is not the first time I've been called a post-whore...lol I'm just excited to be here---is it bad that I have a bunch of posts? I'm learning a ton by posting and I'm meeting some really great people!! Don't be hatin'!! lol
  5. really? 900 bucks isn't bad...just cuts into my bike fund...I was hoping to trade in my car and get a truck with the refinancing etc etc stuff I don't really know about to do it...but buying a truck out right isn't a bad idea either....

  6. I wish...but no such luck this far...:( I'm getting aggravated with the search, it seems impossible and that just makes me want to ride even more....grrr...I might have an option for a KLR225 that is teal and purple, totally cute and perfect for what i want to do...it's kick start but that's okay...just a matter of getting a truck etc....which I'm trying to buy right now also (a truck, I mean)

  7. I wish...but no such luck this far...:( I'm getting aggravated with the search, it seems impossible and that just makes me want to ride even more....grrr...I might have an option for a KLR225 that is teal and purple, totally cute and perfect for what i want to do...it's kick start but that's okay...just a matter of getting a truck etc....which I'm trying to buy right now also (a truck, I mean)

  8. Wow, who knew there were so many awesome places to go? Thanks everyone for posting up information!
  9. I do love the dual sport gladius, but for the kind of off roading I'll be doing I'm not sure it will work out it is a mighty beautiful bike though!!
  10. OMG, Thank you! I never dreamed anyone would do true research!! That is awesome!!
  11. I need stickers!! How fun to have an actual tent to support OR...with any luck I'll have a set of wheels by then...or at least be able to get a ride and put some faces to the names!
  12. I'm new and not a hard core rider (only due to lack of a bike...lol) but one thing I did learn VERY quickly is that there is ALWAYS a thread about a ride, weather it's a spontaneous 'hey let's ride today' thing or a planned event that is weeks away you can ALWAYS find a group to join you on a ride...eventually it will be me saying "Hey who's gonna ride with me today?' I imagine I wont get a lot of takers when I'm posting it in September still...lol...but who knows. Good luck finding some folks to ride with!!
  13. I realize that currently I don't really ride anything except dirt, but it seems to me that it's just the personality of the rider...HD riders and sport bike riders alike can be assholes....the HD riders are more stereotyped for being the badass fighter types and the sport bike dudes are stereotyped as the rich idiots....neither stereotype, in my opinion is accurate..people are who they are despite what they ride, it's just that what they ride gives them an opportunity to form a click which seems to then create unnecessary rivalries...come on...we're all on two wheels!! Spread the love!!
  14. Okay, that is really cute...or cool, whichever term is more masculine...and it's WAY funnier because it's totally true!!
  15. So yesterday I was out in the "cage" as you like to call it and didn't see a SINGLE cop the whole way....TODAY there was at least one every 3 or 4 miles....musta been out looking for all the drunkies
  16. So, Even thought my bike deal fell through (for the time being anyway) I'm trying to plan some future camping trips with my bike. I want to go to Hocking Hills or somewhere else close...so anyone have any experience camping locally? I need to know campsite names, or websites I can acess to get pricing and stuff. I would appreciate any input y'all can offer! Thanks!
  17. Passing bordem can always be filled with more entertaining things...but I do admit it was slightly amusing
  18. Thanks! I really do appreciate that...although my bike deal fell through....grrr...but hey knowledge is knowlege and I'm a hardcore bookworm, so just hit me up when you're finished
  19. Well, the this is with the dual sport...yes that is what I really want, and the reason behind it is because I want to trail ride, like I do on my TTR, plus my fiance rides dual and I want to be able to go where he goes. Like I said, I want a sport bike too, but my price range is limited to like $1,500.00...My dream sport bike is the Glaudis...but I want the dual sport first so I can still go off-road, I just love the trails...
  20. Sort of anyway---so I was making a deal with a dude in Michigan to buy a 2000 Yamaha XT225 and today we got a phone call from the dude and he is frickin selling it to someone else becase they can be there tomorrow at noon and I was planning to rent a truck to pick it up but he is selling to someone else!! GRRR...I'm a little pissed off about it actually because I was REALLY hoping to be on two wheels by this weekend. So, I'm buying a truck....but in the mean time, any suggestions for where to look for a bike, what to look at and how in the HELL to avoid this issue in the future??
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