That's the theory behind monopolies bud, "Person X can charge whatever he wants because he's the only one allowed to sell them"... there's a reason monopolistic quality goes down... you don't have any competition It doesn't matter if you're doing it for a living or doing it as a hobby. I'm happy to trade photos for lunch for friends, and I have... if that means some shmuck with $30,000 worth of equipment goes hungry that's his problem, not mine. There's an elasticity of demand with something like pictures (and everything else), as the price increases the more likely a consumer is to simply "go without". In the eyes of a rider, $200 for a track day fulfills one need, photography of the event fulfills another need. Plenty of folks I've talked to said, "I paid $150 for a track day, I'm not paying some moron $150 for a cd of 15 shitty images, I don't give a shit" ... Or they'll do what JRM did and just use the watermarked low-res image. Hence why I posted this here and not on Craigslist, I'm looking to help friends out. Like I said before, a halfway decent photographer can get the same images from a casual ride with friends and a staged photo spot... exactly what we did on the Ashtabula ride.