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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Count me in! *snaps fingers*
  2. I have a Mossy500 as well... but that's for the wife to use from behind the bathroom door... she's instructed to shoot if the door oppens without a pre-determined password... XD and hand flashlight go with me
  3. Do you wanna meet up on turkey day? Burger king on the hill in Montrose? Or maybe the gogo club on 18?
  4. Likwid

    Open carry?

    Wanna get everyone all riled up? Abortion should be performed free and to anyone at any age. Guns should be completely outlawed Public healthcare should be in place now Old people should not be allowed to drive Motorcyclists should all be required to wear helmets
  5. yah dude, I have a wall charger and a duct taped car charger (lol). I'm taking the rest of the week off so feel free to pick a spot... I can meet you somewhere near Macedonia or on turkey day I'll be in richfield/fairlawn. I just plugged it in to charge so you can make sure it works for you.
  6. Likwid

    Open carry?

    Dang, usually the ones I have are part 1 and 2... either way, Part 2 is where the LEO starts talking so I can see people wanting to skip to that.
  7. We're allowed guns, just can't buy Lugers
  8. Looks sharp! No exhaust on your drawing though Could present a problem
  9. Yah, I think I'm 20 miles or so from you. ATT/Cingular Razr - works, but can't find battery, it's around here SOMEWHERE Sony t290 - works fine, with battery Since you have ATT you can just pop the SIM into the phone to make sure it works, the T290 is a good phone to get you until you get a good phone You can buy any ATT Gophone and pop your SIM in.
  10. That's better, I can't seem to find the battery for my razr :-(
  11. I can't find the other cheapo Sony Ericsson I had lying around... it's somewhere it's a Z500a. I also have a Razr but I'd have to sell it for $40
  12. I have a few http://www.wirefly.com/images/phones/sonyericsson_t290_att_z1.jpg I just saved from the trash can at work, you can have it for 10$
  13. Likwid

    Open carry?

    I have posted that on Facebook before, it's insanely good information.
  14. Likwid

    Open carry?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wXkI4t7nuc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08fZQWjDVKE Watch them both, every minute of them.
  15. Likwid

    Open carry?

    I DEMAND JUSTICE! lol, you're right, you are not a criminal, but guns are criminalized in the minds of many americans (rightfully or not) so anyone with a gun is a bad guy, unless they have a badge of course. The idiotic mindset of anti-2A people is, "If you just outlawed all guns then it'd be easy, if someone has a gun they are a bad guy".. neglecting they are so ignorant to think 100% gun control works. Those same people will stare you in the face and say they are ok sacrificing some rights so they can FEEL safer. "So you'd let a LEO come search your home for weapons?" YES! Guess what? Those people deserve no freedoms or liberties, "those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither"... At a wedding recently I was asked if I was carrying, my response was simple "that's none of your business", the person persisted and I persisted in my unwillingness to answer. When that person left the room and I was talking to someone else and had said "no, I'm not..." I was quickly faced with a "THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST SAY SO?" Because it's simple, liberties and freedoms are there to be exercised, not just when you're guilty. "Pleading the 5th" has been criminalized, but guess what, if the only people pleading the 5th are people that have something to hide then the 5th amendment becomes a criminal shelter and then we lose it. All things considered, I'll exercise my rights, I'll follow the law, and I'll comply with LEO... but if an LEO asks me "did you murder so-and-so" out of the blue, my answer will be a resounding "Are you charging me with any crimes? If so I'll exercise my right to remain silent and my right to an attorney" ... for those who say "you didn't do anything you have nothing to hide" I encourage you to watch the video "never talk to the police"
  16. Likwid

    Open carry?

    The argument is that by outlawing guns outright, you can easily identify someone breaking the law... if they have a gun they are a criminal. Where this fails is: to what extent do you find criminals? Random searches, stop everyone walking down the street? Now what about a baseball bat? If noone has a gun, then a baseball bat is a 100% advantage, so is outlawing bats next? (yes if you use UK as an example) So now let's take it back a step, if you require license to carry concealed you can say "anyone carrying a weapon concealed should be treated like a criminal until their license status is checked"... again, only has a negative impact on NON-criminals. That being said, we come back to the main point, concealed is concealed. Open carry means, until the public opinion changes, you are guilty until proven innocent.
  17. Oh... well shit. I saw some pictures of Marco's shop, looks like he's got some samples taped up to the wall ready (and I've been told any good tinter will have samples) So we'll play it by eye, if he holds 50% to the window and you can't tell any difference then I can go darker, I've seen cars with 50% that look dark as shit, and also horror stories of getting 50% and it being clear.... so we'll see
  18. lol, while I certainly understand the "do 35% or darker or don't do anything at all" I do want to remain legal for a couple reasons. 1.) Lease, so turning it in I need to make sure my bases are covered 2.) CCW, I don't need to give an officer any more reason to hassle me 3.) My goal isn't for a "look" it's simply I want a little darker than clear, 50% more than accomplishes my goals. 4.) My interior is black, so even at 50% it should APPEAR darker :-D But yes, looking at Marco's pictures, he seems to do great work, I'm sure I won't be disappointed!
  19. Likwid

    Open carry?

  20. Maybe they should have focused on making the show suck less ass, than spend tons on advertising on billboards I'll stick with Sirius and Howard Stern
  21. Thank goodness my motorcycle mechanic doesn't post a no guns sign I agree that it's their property, once they open it to the public I don't feel they have a right to prohibit CONCEALED carry... but as Pauly said, that's my opinion.
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