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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. does the xbox have a wifi adapter built in or you need that adapter? generally a wireless access point is just a wifi router
  2. Likwid

    AR Shopping

    you know Todd, it occurs to me you could buy 1 ar15 for 1500 or about 15 Mosins! bulk deal? group buy? I'll take one
  3. Likwid

    AR Shopping

    I've never been to the Dalton one, but I've been to Berea several times and to Niles twice... very very not worth the time or admission. Especially right now, everyone is gouging, especially on ammo... $25 for WWB 9mm... fuuuuck you
  4. I didn't phrase my example too well, I 100% agree the police officer shouldn't still be on the road... imho, he should be in jail, if not in jail, should be suspended without pay. Same principle as if your company suspected you of embezzling money. My comments didn't really apply here too well. NOW, if the police officer had done this in his personal vehicle while not on the job I'd say he should be put on a desk job if he's not in jail... but that leads to conflicts of interest or some jazz.
  5. Likwid

    AR Shopping

    I heard semen does too.
  6. Hmmm... I work from home most the time now... I wonder if I can write off my handgun as security for my home office
  7. Likwid

    AR Shopping

    I don't know where you are in Ohio lol http://www.ohiogunshows.com/ Dalton is next week Akron is in 3 weeks To be honest, I wouldn't buy from the gun shows... just too many morons, do like Walther suggested... I've never built one, but given the experience I'd be more than happy to build for you, you purchase the lower and do the transfer (same as if you purchased through a dealer) and have the rest shipped to me... I was looking at building one last month too, I can find a build list, but it's really, upper, lower, barrel, receiver, & stock if it's not included... couple other parts I can't remember, but I could pull one up.
  8. Likwid

    AR Shopping

    That's awesome! What's up with the grip though? Looks folded up or something.
  9. Likwid

    AR Shopping

    Found this, it sounds like you're going to need to build to get a left handed ejection unless you go through Stag... find a AR15 then purchase an upper online, uppers don't require FFL transfer. http://www.thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=337134... Stag seems reasonable though http://www.stagarms.com/index.php?cPath=13_21 Purchase one of these and you're set!
  10. Likwid

    AR Shopping

    THAT'S what I was forgetting, I thought it was 223 and something else (didn't know it was 556)... I don't see a lot of private ar15s for sale, seems noone wants to sell them once they get em! Given your price you could easily get a new one from Vance's and I'm betting JJ may be able to hook you up with a deal http://www.vanceoutdoors.com/flyer/flyer.pdf Page 3, almost every rifle is under 1500.... I'm jealous
  11. Well.... is the person arrested and in custody? I don't know my work policy, but I believe you can continue working until a conviction (and possibly even after... I dunno) But I agree, if your job is driving, and you can't drive because you murdered 2 people you shouldn't be paid. But if your job is to make phone calls and you're pending conviction for murder but are out on bail/bond I don't necessarily think you should not be able to work....
  12. Likwid

    AR Shopping

    Don't rule out 223 imo Also, we covered this recently here http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=33872 there's some good information in there for sure though, make sure you take a look at building as well. I didn't know they made an AR variant that had reversed ejection ports (but it doesn't surprise me)
  13. http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/255250/november-12-2009/miracle-whip-buys-ad-space I found the ads were, in fact, "in your face and massively dope"
  14. That's called performance arts... jebus, how do you not get this?!?
  15. I gotta find a connection to the Kosher Nofstra! (I had to look that up) I have/had a couple friends that have connections to the Lebanese mafia, one guy's brother/cousin (I forget) was denied immigration to the US because he was an "active" member or something like that. Always interesting, I have a friend in a 1% mc out west (one of the big 4)... but he won't talk to me much about it...
  16. I'm debating if we should all be riding to this :-D no snow on the ground means riding right?
  17. Yah, I wouldn't want to be the test case. Also, you don't need a license to own a Class 3, just pay the additional fees and go through a Class 3 dealer... Lol, I wondered that myself, if you're law enforcement that's easy, personal training is definitely tax deductible... I suppose you could always claim you're training because you'd like to become LEO or something like that... But I'm not a lawyer or a tax attorney.
  18. Wait, you're shocked about Tig kissing Gemma but not putting it in her? lol
  19. She won't be able to go snowboarding, I heard she took her board in for service and they said her boots were shot so she had to get new bindings too Will be interesting to meet some folks without helmets on... what the hell do we talk about?!?
  20. Yah, really not needed to say there was weed in the car.... would a civilian get a manslaughter charge? I think they'd get a bit more...
  21. CCW is Concealed HANDGUN.... so unless it's a glock 18 you're not carrying a fully auto legally
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