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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Size doesn't matter, as you may have heard before The courts need to be representative, if they are going to make decisions that apply to groups of people they need to be represented by more than just the residents of that county. The districts need to be remapped
  2. Yup, I guess AAA does offer insurance
  3. where did he claim to work for an insurance company? I missed that.
  4. In the most simplistic words, Cleveland wants to maintain/implement restrictions on firearms, previously 9.68 protected all those rights. Clyde v Ohio set the precedent for 9.68, however, Cleveland is arguing Clyde v Ohio ONLY pertains to CONCEALED carry, therefore Cleveland cannot impose restrictions in regards to CONCEALED carry, but maintains it can impose any other restrictions it sees fit. Where this is dangerous, 9.68 says noone in Ohio can attempt to regulate the sale, carrying (openly or otherwise), and transportation of firearms, that only the State can create/maintain the regulations. argh... i am not a lawyer
  5. I went onto the shoulder on Saturday because I didn't notice a van stopped short at a light... I could have braked MUCH harder but I decided not too lol Was just better to maintain the brakes and go wide.
  6. walther said it best, "keep your booger finger off the bang bang button"... lol I carry 1 in the chamber shoulder or iwb... as it's been said, not a lot of time for draw and fire in 2 seconds
  7. Oops sorry, I was reading the model numbers lool. Yah, the HiPoints are BEASTS, made a great club if it was out of ammo.
  8. Woah, is that backwards or is the Remmington really 11 oz heavier?!?
  9. Before I got my CCW I had a HiPoint 40... now THAT was heavy.
  10. Sorry I can't make it Yota, but happy birthday and happy Go Bucks winning!
  11. No, it is retarded, having one county in an appeals district is retarded. Yes, it SHOULD be overturned but there are/will be convictions before the OSC rules on it, and while this will ultimately vindicate those impacted, it's a pain in the ass to wait, plus all their legal fees, and more.
  12. Take a look at the district map... it's hard to believe, but painfully obvious there's a problem.
  13. Agreed, I see people all the time walk to their mailbox, get the mail then turn around and start walking into the road without even looking at the oncoming cars... not to say it ISN'T the riders fault, but I don't see him/her as 100% at fault either.
  14. I'm on an 800 cruiser and I do 7 second quarters... just saying.
  15. Oops' date=' it happened Friday so it may not have become "wild" news. [url']http://www.ohioccw.org/200911134686/cleveland-wins-appeal-regarding-statewide-preemption.html Basically, Cleveland sued Ohio for 9.68 and lost, then won on appeal.... it's ridiculous. They sued for violation of home rule, seemed open and shut but the 8th district appellate court overruled the decision...
  16. Just got off the phone with Jason Hill at the Attorney General's office, I have been told I asked if the AG plans to file an injunction to prevent Cleveland from enforcing (read that on OFCC so I wanted to ask) and was told "Unfortunately I don't have any information on that". I got the sense that they've gotten a LOT of calls/emails and are prepared with the "We will be appealing" comment. Kudos to the AG's office for getting back to me so quickly!
  17. I'd like to OC a cowboy action, would definitely get you some interesting conversations. Now that it's jacket weather I'm carrying almost 75% in a shoulder holster, but I still put my IWB holster in my pocket in case... but I don't have a problem open carrying... now if I go to Cleveland OC isn't even an option right now :-\
  18. Likwid

    THE Game Week

    So long as you guys realize UM blows and is very unlikely to win and you're just talking shit to keep up appearances I understand.
  19. Likwid

    THE Game Week

    Seriously, you're still talking shit after winning 1 conference game this season? Pack it up for the season and hope next year is better.
  20. Given what the powermat does and requires... that's a HUGE waste of money, all so I can just put my phone down to charge it, instead of plugging in a cord. When someone invents a charger that can charge WITHOUT a special case I'll buy it.
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