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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. another sharp hand-me-down.... good luck with the parts.
  2. Likwid

    RIP Miley

    Just read about it, drunk driving accident.
  3. sorry things didn't work out today, it was looking really shitty out, and overcast = crappy pictures (for me at least), I simply don't have the equipment or abilities to shoot in grey. We'll hit it up for sure another time, you're close enough to me.... so winter is an option for sure, I'm imagining some bike/snow shots... would be a really "cool" set of pictures you don't see everyday.
  4. I've always preferred semi-automatic, but it's quite simply, a matter of personal preference. If you need more than 1 shot you're in trouble... before anyone brings up the amazing speed on the professionals and a revolver that's simply not the norm. I love semi automatics, but again, that's personal preference, all major brands are manufactured with precise standards, yes a semi has more "parts" to go wrong, I'll take the design, convenience for magazine reloading and fancy features. Arguing about one being the other is the same as arguing about wearing a helmet, voting for/against an issue, or whether someone is "hot" or not, so long as an "informed" decision is being made noone's mind is going to be changed.
  5. Kate Winslet was 22 in Titanic... I had to go look that up.
  6. I may be persuaded to ride... changed the oil and seafoamed ... want to do a photo shot? I volunteer to take the pictures, action and standstill.
  7. Man, what's up with all the fat chicks in this thread?
  8. Everything you need is here: http://www.handgunlaw.us/states/ohio.pdf
  9. Likwid

    Saturday 11/14

    I like this picture, but I'd like the DOF swapped.... I could sit and take picture all day! I don't miss the days of 35mm where you'd take 400 pictures and 3 were good... or maybe that's just cuz I sucked
  10. Likwid

    Go Blue!!!

    HAHAHA yah right, being a UM fan is like enjoying being forcefully sodomized by a horse... Blue sucks... Be careful though DTC pres loves being a UM loser.
  11. Likwid

    Go Blue!!!

    HAHAHAHAH jk Go Bucks! Rose Bowl baby!
  12. I have to wonder why he hasn't been banned yet.
  13. Likwid

    Saturday 11/14

  14. To be clear, I wasn't disagreeing with you there, by any account, IF it's true I just hadn't seen any facts about it so if this is a fact apologies. Either way though, she's partially liable, shared responsibility.
  15. Ahh, well yah, dogs usually get 1 previous attack.... 2 and they go down I thought. BUT, if she wasn't breaking the law, no reason the state should be involved.... if we went off that case then almost all of us SHOULD be arrested because we MAY speed or break the law later. You have to wait for someone to break the law to arrest them, that's the way this country works, someone I work with tried to argue that anyone carrying a firearm should have the police called on them and arrested because he THINKS anyone with a gun is dangerous....
  16. Spend $500+ on a gun to save $0.20 per round on ammo? I'll pass
  17. Here's the problem, let's say tomorrow you are attacked by Joseph Smith. Many people called the police because Joseph Smith is a violent person and they think he should be locked up... You can't blame the city because they didn't do anything about Joseph. Now, if it's illegal to HAVE the chimp, then I'd agree the city is partially liable, but it's her own damn fault for helping.
  18. The owner is probably suing the city too for killing the chimp. I don't get what the lawsuit is for either, unless it was illegal to have a chimp... in which case why would she have been helping? Really not any sympathy from me here... if my pet bites me tomorrow I'd chalk it up to instincts and the risks I take... if my cat bites a visitor I'll apologize and if they want to sue it's under my homeowner's policy.
  19. OOOOOHHHHHH SHINY YARN!!!!!!! *steals*
  20. Likwid

    Saturday 11/14

    Start a new thread on it please.... this one is getting confusing just trying to figure out who's meeting and where.
  21. Likwid

    Saturday 11/14

    Man I'm excited to see Pauly riding the shit outta the scoot
  22. Ha! What's a felony? I'll be at the DTC after party for sure.
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