Interesting "2 sides of the fence" I've seen now. In Ohio places of worship are explicitly stated in the code as "(6) Any church, synagogue, mosque, or other place of worship, unless the church, synagogue, mosque, or other place of worship posts or permits otherwise;" So it's interesting, much like private businesses, it's completely the decision of the church (but default is no). While searching around for firearm shops in Cuyahoga Falls I found a "historic" church in Cuyahoga Falls that explicitly lists on their website that they don't allow firearms and that they facilitate a WEAPONS FREE SOCIETY. Fine, so be it, not a church I'm joining (obviously) but also not one I'm going to go "sight seeing". Well, I got the invite for a wedding I'm in, and the wedding rehearsal, both at a church. I was planning on just locking it in my car like normal but I figured "hmm, I wonder what the church says"... so I gave them a call. The secretary transferred me to the Senior Pastor (obviously they don't have a hard and fast policy like the one in Cuyahoga Falls).... the Pastor says "Oh, no problem, we just ask you identify yourself to the security on duty or the Pastor that is there (I'm not working that rehearsal/wedding) but it's fine"..... I can understand their reason for "identification", since Church is default no seeing a firearm would mean someone "broke the rules", so self identifying removes that risk to the individual. I thought this was refreshing, while I disagree with the ORC about the prohibitions for CCW holders I really like it when businesses/organizations/people realize CCW holders are NOT the enemy. inb4 tl;dr