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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Lots of places try to do these kind of things (including our township), end of the day, they are required to provide the service and at a reasonable time, it's a public right of way. Think about it, you don't check a city's website before you drive through it to see if they'll provide an ambulance if you're in an accident. This is all just a scare tactic to get less people there (NC hates the dragon) and also to try and get people to ride more reasonably.
  2. To get to Ohio Motorcycle or the Sheetz meeting place? To get to Ohio Motorcycle from where you are jump on 77N to 271N, take the Broadway exit, turn right at light, turn right into first lot (furniture store), ride behind the loading dock and you'll come up on the Ohio Motorcycle parking lot. To get to the Sheetz was just going to slab it up there via 271/90/11/Sheetz
  3. JJ you gotta compress those PDFs! Since you aren't using linking or any forms and stuff, you don't need it to be the full uncompressed PDF. Are you using Illustrator or something else? I love looking at these, I just hate how long it takes to load.
  4. Racism isn't about being denied something, "Racism is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race." Also CO2.... I'll take L Ball please.
  5. tbh, my wife had the same complaint about her ass/back...It's the same as when we all started riding, gotta get some seat time for it to feel better. She didn't like riding at first, scary, cold, windy, I speed, etc etc. I made some compromises, she made some compromises, now she asks me if we can ride somewhere and "are we still riding on Saturday?!? I'm excited!"
  6. Interesting "2 sides of the fence" I've seen now. In Ohio places of worship are explicitly stated in the code as "(6) Any church, synagogue, mosque, or other place of worship, unless the church, synagogue, mosque, or other place of worship posts or permits otherwise;" So it's interesting, much like private businesses, it's completely the decision of the church (but default is no). While searching around for firearm shops in Cuyahoga Falls I found a "historic" church in Cuyahoga Falls that explicitly lists on their website that they don't allow firearms and that they facilitate a WEAPONS FREE SOCIETY. Fine, so be it, not a church I'm joining (obviously) but also not one I'm going to go "sight seeing". Well, I got the invite for a wedding I'm in, and the wedding rehearsal, both at a church. I was planning on just locking it in my car like normal but I figured "hmm, I wonder what the church says"... so I gave them a call. The secretary transferred me to the Senior Pastor (obviously they don't have a hard and fast policy like the one in Cuyahoga Falls).... the Pastor says "Oh, no problem, we just ask you identify yourself to the security on duty or the Pastor that is there (I'm not working that rehearsal/wedding) but it's fine"..... I can understand their reason for "identification", since Church is default no seeing a firearm would mean someone "broke the rules", so self identifying removes that risk to the individual. I thought this was refreshing, while I disagree with the ORC about the prohibitions for CCW holders I really like it when businesses/organizations/people realize CCW holders are NOT the enemy. inb4 tl;dr
  7. You obviously don't know Justin, he only rides 3 days a year, and that's only in a straight line :-D
  8. You could ride by yourself too :-D
  9. K, who's meeting me at Ohio Motorcycle (right off 271/480) to slab it up to the Sheetz meeting place. I'm thinking 9:00 am... will give us plenty of time, leave by 9:15 and be at the meeting spot around 10:00 - 10:15.
  10. Hey Armith, can you PM me your cell? I'll shoot you a txt tomorrow Forecast keeps getting shifted out so it looks like it's not going to rain until very late.
  11. What if one isn't "officially" in the military?
  12. lawlersk8s I disagree Evil Easter Bunny is more intimidating... who's even going to talk to you when you're wearing this?
  13. Everyone in this thread now has Hep C... grats!
  14. Now that my wife has a real jacket instead of her windbreaker/sweatshirt temperature won't be an issue... just absurd rain.
  15. I'd love to get back on the water, little late this year, maybe next year I'll have to get out there with you. I used to ski a shit-ton, even went to a summer ski camp... that was fun, but exhausting as shit!
  16. I got Hep C from Casper, no joke
  17. Welcome Ginger, nice to have another cruiser around here!
  18. Damn, I don't even need a new jacket but I'm thinking about getting one of these!
  19. man I miss wakeboarding For relevancy, here's my attempt at ski jumping... I didn't do so well http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffBgBcIewXY
  20. Forecast is clearing up, doesn't look like solid rain at all.
  21. Well, I flashed my phone so many times there are 5 dots where the screen calibration is... LOL I ended with Calkulins but I did a custom build, best part is building an OEM that contains your email setup info, now when if/when I hard reset my phone I don't have to setup my email again! that was the worst part lol
  22. Good luck! Let me know how you like it... I'm probably going to buy a new helmet over the winter.
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