I can only really shed light on my knowledge from working at large corporate environments, not those companies specifically. The negotiability on starting salary usually depends pretty highly on the position. Entry level being less negotiable than "senior" level positions. In terms of actually negotiating... do it... without a doubt. It never hurts to ask for more cash, but don't give an ultimatum if you're not willing to follow through, "increase that by $5,000 or I walk"... but it never hurts to ask "Hey, is there a little wiggle room on that starting salary, I'd like to see it a little higher" any response other than "no wiggle room" is an opening to begin negotiations. Also, if they say no, ask about a signing bonus, I know a lot of companies are willing to give signing bonus instead of salary bump. Another thing to keep in mind, if morale sucks there's probably a reason for it, with the big corporate players don't expect things to change, if people love the job and hate the salaries, don't expect salaries to go up. Sucks, but companies seem to "throw out" employee feedback on salary because "we'll never pay them enough, so let's throw out these survey results". I'd recommend JobVent.com for candid feedback on the bigger employers, it's obviously skewed WAY more negative than positive, but it will help you compare offers. Hope this helps! Disclaimer: My opinion is my own and is not endorsed by the company I work for.