Here's my issue with LoJack and the installation. I understand that LoJack wants to keep install locations secret... but that's kind of retarded... is the thought that criminals are going to BUY a LoJack system, have it installed, watch how it's installed, then use that information to go steal someone's bike? If someone KNOWS a bike has LoJack they are going to figure it out... just like a disc lock... someone determined enough will take care of any anti-theft device you throw out there...I'd rather install LoJack myself and have NOONE know where it is but me than a STRANGER install it and any LoJack install trained person know reasonably where it's installed. "If you isntall it like a retard, then someone could just clip the wire and steal it!" Ok, why doesn't LoJack just have a battery and if the main power source is clipped battery switches on and pages LoJack that calls a customer to see if there is an issue? Seems like a better idea to me than relying ONLY on the battery... dead battery = LoJack doesn't work? Maybe one of the LoJack installers can give me some insight into some things and why my rationale is misguided.