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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. "Panicking" lol The whole article reeks of an anti motorcycle slant thought...
  2. Aren't you the guy that yells at other photographers for taking pictures? Welcome though
  3. I'm talking about the OTHER threads that you explain "are in a special area (mod forum)"... You're usually quicker than this... are you drunk again?
  4. Nothing gets deleted it gets "moved to a special area" Casper likes to remind us of every now and then. aka, "you're not cool enough to see it".... well you are, but not the rest of us
  5. I demand more specifics. What is the purpose? concealment, plinker, open carry, poops and laughs?
  6. and FYI, I ride like a major asshole sometimes and I've never had someone hit me. The fact I'm a large guy may have something to do with it, or the fact, like I said, I have an AR-15 strapped to my back.
  7. Yah, I'm gonna stay outta of that one.
  8. I always carry an AR-15 with me
  9. Break Free? That and as others said, stop being a pussy and pry that shit off.
  10. I don't have the patience to read the entire thread, but CCW does not include knives, batons, asps, etc That's what bothers me, I still carry a pocket knife but it's small enough not to be considered a deadly weapon.
  11. Next time I see you I'm gonna smack you in the wobbler.
  12. "It can't be all these people with operator error" yes, yes it can
  13. http://www.cracked.com/article_19217_6-things-nobody-tells-you-about-owning-motorcycle.html Best quote imho
  14. Likwid

    New grips

    lol, that's all I read
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