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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Once invites are back online
  2. Damn! Bad news.... they closed the invite system temporarily due to "insane demand", apologies to the folks I didn't get in last night... as soon as invites open back up you guys have got them. https://plus.google.com/107117483540235115863/posts/PhJFJqLyRnm
  3. Maybe, depends how hard you are for circles
  4. Facebook by Google basically.
  5. Gotta send me your email... -1 at reading directions sent to everyone else
  6. Just like the title said, just message me your email address. Obviously, serpentracer is the first on the list Edit: Damn! Bad news.... they closed the invite system temporarily due to "insane demand", apologies to the folks I didn't get in last night... as soon as invites open back up you guys have got them. https://plus.google.com/107117483540235115863/posts/PhJFJqLyRnm
  7. Did you walk to school in 5 feet of snow? Uphill both ways?
  8. And this is the first time you tell me!? I still have some of the unclaimed stuff, when's our next ride?
  9. do you know how old the gun is? If you call SA with your serial number they can tell you exactly when it was manufactured and what, if any, warranty is left. Every interaction I've had with SA has been really good, I asked for free stuff to give away here, they sent a bunch
  10. I don't allow random applications to my profile data :-\ sorry bro
  11. Be easy on him, you know how old people get with them new fangled gismos
  12. Doesn't half a brain automatically exclude IE? But point taken.
  13. I want that piece of shit volusia!
  14. If you click "share" to grab the link it gives you the shortened version to. There isn't a website in the world that installs viruses just by visiting them (if you have half a brain). inb4: There are cookie viruses and javascript viruses!
  15. Man, we must be the opposites, you could say "free coke and hookers, come camping" and I'd say "no thank you" If the weather's nice I may join you Inya
  16. I couldn't find anymore video how-tos from him
  17. lol, what a moron... but I'm not sure which is dumber... him seeing a half submerged car and thinking riding through it would be a good idea or trying to start it under water..... me thinks trying to ride it through in the first place.
  18. hehe, I suppose it's much different than what you intended, but still "aftermarket" I have the HD Sundowner bucket seat and pillion ... it's ridiculously comfortable!
  19. That had me rolling, can't count how many times I've done that!
  20. Just like when you say hipster the Aprilia rider isn't needed! ... hipster was all I could think of for Apes couldn't think of anything better
  21. There's a small subset of VRod riders that bag it... and put batwing fairings on the front... it's kind of odd, but to each their own.
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