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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Uhm yah, I'm blocking this date now... I love Magzfest!
  2. Do you carry insurance on it? Comprehensive claim baby.
  3. I agree public stunting is silly, but the main point that bothers me is... "why do the police have nothing else to do?" Aside from "distracted drivers" this is a victimless crime.
  4. You sneaky sumanabitch
  5. Likwid


    gear's for queers
  6. That's Casper code for "I'm pretending like I got something planned, but really I'm just jerking your chain" I always wondered why Casper's bar was invisible
  7. I was looking for a PowerCommander and couldn't seem to find a good deal... checked the 1130cc forums and RidersDiscount.com is a vendor... they offer the PCV for $259 shipped.... DynoJet doesn't list the pre 2009 VRods on their list of bikes for the PCV but I had contacted them and they said it would work... the manager for RD actually double checked with me to make sure I knew ... it genuinely seemed like they care more about customer satisfaction than making a quick buck. Anyway, check them out http://www.ridersdiscount.com/
  8. Likwid


    The Vaqueero is new, so don't expect to find one too cheap... I think the fron end looks more retarded than your 3rd cousin (the one we don't talk about) To OPs original point, and maybe someone else said it... the cruiser riders don't post too much because their actually out riding.... or, the sport guys post so much because they get to their destination that much quicker.
  9. I find my vrod to be super comfy get a sundowner seat... ooo best seat evar
  10. I have a 2006 VRSCA, check out 1130cc.com if you have specific model questions, there's a VRSCR sub-forum http://www.1130cc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=52
  11. lol, I miss all the good stuff
  12. I AM AT TRACK DAY....I MUST PUT MY KNEE DOWN I think that sums it up
  13. Her: *miming a bj* I mean... I get bored Me: Get a fucking gameboy
  14. "Your shirt is writing a check your pussy can't cash"
  15. Likwid


    Watch out, JRM will stab a mother fucker that makes fun of his bread.
  16. Someone wise once told me Applebee's microwaves their pasta
  17. To elaborate on Mag's post. We go to dinner at Champps and Pauly orders some froo froo pasta dish... and makes it clear he doesn't like tomatos... (after acosting the waitress about the freshness of the pasta) Dishes arrive and there is a pile of some diced red items in the middle of his dish.... in UTTER disgust and in the most terrifying, yet effeminate voice says. "WHAT.... IS..... THIS!?!" and points at the pile of peppers... it was sort of a "had to be there" but if you've ever met Pauly you can probably appreciate this.
  18. Woah woah woah... I've had sex with Fusion and I can tell you he is 99% straight
  19. Woman nothing, that's MJ for "not gonna happen" Followed shortly by the "Hey, I'm on my way... oops nm" I miss you MJ
  20. #1 no, this is about bitches and bikes (no offense to the ladies of course, but this name rolls off the tongue so much better) #2 cool #3 just because you put something on the internet does not mean the "world" will see it. #4 back to the comedy!
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