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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. lol, I hate you all jk, your commute kind of sucks, I do 20 miles 1 way to work... haven't driven it in a month or so.. it's just on long trips my back starts acting up, I have 2 herniated discs.
  2. Well, hopefully only the idiot motorcyclists will be gone.... That being said, we had a dumbass in a white SUV lanesplit us on the exit ramp in CBus... I ride pretty close to the curb anyway and I saw her coming so no biggie, but my friend in front of me almost got side swiped. When we pulled up next to her at a light he was screaming, I was just watching... she was dancing and singing her song looking him right in the face... It's those kind of people I hope run face first into a cement wall, choke on the food they are eating and bleed out while choking.... Just saying... the good news is I remained pretty calm and let it go pretty quickly (compared to how I used to be)
  3. I'm not so great with the overlays (ie painted)
  4. I have the Xtreme Duty that came with my XD, no chance for conceal. I have a Desantis pocket holster and a generic IWB one in the mail, I'll let you know how these work out.
  5. Are you saying paint over the wood or stain the wood? Staining isn't going to get it light, painting looks a little akward but I can chop it for you.
  6. OBAMA IS A LONG LEGGED MACK DADDY! we use to yell that all the time when the coin first got yelled, got it from Howard Stern
  7. You don't look in the mirror in the morning? *zing* Yah, ugly as sin, I tried to pick the worst color evar!
  8. imho, IP should do what Woot does. Give Ohio people a discount equal to the tax amount
  9. Why the fuck is this family even featured in the news? Zomg I found something on teh interwebs!
  10. roflmao I know! I'm not really putting that all on my bike, but man, I gotta get a pair of bicycle shorts or something, my ass and back are killing me.
  11. Holy crap, do you remember number munchers? That was the true first video game I ever played!!!! I can't find the original screenshot but here's a newer version
  12. Personally, I want the floppy dog ears.
  13. Always bring a doctor and set pace at fastest.
  14. I KNOW!!!!! It's sad, but at least I ride... just gotta be less of a sissy. Let's see, maybe a nice plush seat, backrest, highway pegs, crash bar, and some floorboards. I'll be ready to ride then... just won't be able to go over 70
  15. It was nice meeting you guys in person, and seeing you again Swing'R! 240 miles and all I have to show is an awesome sunburn, crampbuster, and a Thurman burger Well worth it!
  16. It's pathetic, but after doing Cbus and back in a day I'm gonna have to pass on day trips for a little bit Glad you're back though!
  17. Get well soon, glad you're feeling better *hug*
  18. Likwid

    My new sights

    remind me who you are?
  19. Likwid

    Rep points

    hahaha Wait you saw Wheezle's picture?
  20. gas degrades most adhesives, I'd consider clear coating over the decals.
  21. english as a second language?
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