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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Ouchies, nice shots though. Man, those 1911s are crazy reliable and accurate
  2. Let's keep it on topic, post targets! I'll post a thread for a get together with shooting involved.
  3. Alright, bought the XD for 450
  4. Well I'm waffling a bit here. XD 9MM with 6 mags for $475 Taurus PT-24/7 40 1 mag for $325 Thoughts?
  5. Definitely appreciate the advice. Not really noticeable at 30 ft and under, around 100-150 feet I'm solidly to the left.
  6. Yah, epeen contest. Post the caliber distance and gun. SW MP9mm 21 feet 30 feet I tend to pull left.
  7. Yah, that guy shouldn't be carrying. Especially when he asks "what about when my son is using my car?" DUDE WHAT PART OF DON'T LEAVE THE GUN IN THE CAR DON'T YOU GET?!?!? Whatever, JRM, his girl, and his neighbor were all very good shots. Not too hard with a 22 but still.
  8. Likwid


    roflmao, oopsie Now you know why I have a lot of people at work on my privacy list for my status updates.
  9. Yah, it's kind of strange like that. Chickon2 has a good point about it, people that have seen it or are close to it get pretty upset. Kind of like Buzz Aldrin punching the moon landing guy.... granted moon landing <> murder but still.
  10. I can't read about it. Having met and spoke to a few survivors I find myself putting TOO much of a face on it to learn about it. It's really hard read about things when you can actually picture someone that you've hugged and spoken to.
  11. Too bad I'm nowhere near this... you think they'd deliver to me?
  12. ... the Holocaust deniers stuff? Beside that most people would be relatively sensitve about these kinds of things, there's a reason you could call me a cheap jew all day but when you start poking any kind of jokes about denying the Holocaust upsets me beyond where I can just shrug it off. First I'd like to say, all I said was "I hereby negative rep you for that" meaning, I disapprove of your post. I never said "I QUIT UNLESS YOU BAN HIM" or "FUCK YOU THAT'S NOT COOL", just said I didn't approve. Anyway, Holocaust memorial in DC when I was 13, I think I was too young to really understand or appreciate most of it, except for the 3 story staircase filled with pictures. Our guide pointed at one picture and said "This girl, was the only person in this staircase to survive" that hit me really hard, even at 13. Flash forward 13 years and I find myself in Israel. I'll spare the whole trip since most people won't care. But the Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem. I didn't find it nearly as powerful as DC until we saw the slip of paper that had the towns in Poland, itemized by area, and how many jews and "others" that were killed. Broken out by town, number killed and their reason for dying. It was used to judge the camps and to evaluate how well high level nazi officers were doing. I'm sorry for being overly sensitive, but I just can't believe there exists people that can look at some of the things I've seen and say "it's all made up", and truly believe it. To the OP of the image, I KNOW you aren't the original person and this is NOT directed at you, this is just why I get overly sensitive. Anyway, that's my rant, I felt the need to share with you folks. Only known you for a short amount of time but we share a similar passion. Thanks for listening, sorry to anyone that is bothered by this. Matt
  13. Ok, so I bought this at Wal-Mart, because A) I needed a rainsuit and B) I'm horribly cheap. I know a lot of people are of the opinion "you get what you paid for" or "buy it once and be done". Well I'm of this opinion now with a LOT of things, but everytime I find something that I need for super cheap I just can't help but buy. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=10928513 I wore this home in the rain, downpour style. No joke, got home, bone dry jacket, and jeans with the exception of the bottom of my jeans. Neckline was a little wet but only right at the top, and thanks to my non-waterproof gloves my hands are prunes and a little of my cuffs. Seriously folks, I know a lot of you guys are on sport bikes so don't have the space to carry this around, but it is well worth the $10! That is all, carry on.
  14. Hey hey hey, hope you weren't directing that at me. I have no issues telling people when I give them neg
  15. I know right! How could people possibly care what anyone says about their religion, family, race, creed, beliefs!?! The audacity!
  16. Yes, at a 5% interest compounded hourly with a minimum period of 2 months.
  17. LOL I love how that's the PC version. The only reason I find it so bad is because it's based off the denier mindset, which has been a huge problem. Noone needs to walk on eggshells because I'm Jewish. Same reason I don't think Aerik or Chickon2 really care if people made some sort of racist remark that's funny (although I could be wrong). Either way though, I think any of that violates the rules though, I thought I remember reading that. Didn't mean to set off any kind of war, was just saying I disaprove
  18. Oh I'm sure, I just disaprove You'll earn it back
  19. I hereby negative rep you for that
  20. I saw a girl yesterday wearing sports bra and bicycle shorts riding a pink CBR (I think it was a CBR).... helmet on the side.
  21. PM sent, nm, you requested not to receive PMs... To be honest, I've held quite a few pistols in the last week. I must have the textbook average for grip because everything seems to fit the same. Taurus PT140 and 24/7 (?), Baby Eagle, MP 9mm, MP40mm, XD, XD SC, Glock (anything but baby or the 27s)... they all seem to fit REALLY well.
  22. Depends on the carrier, some carriers automatically convert the MMS to an email if it's going to an email, or if it contains multiple images. Other carriers maintain the MMS functionality. Then it gets into the receiving end, some carriers automatically parse it to the users @carrier email address, that way it shows up as a TXT but really it's an email. It's not fun. But to Casper's point, any solution you look at, if you want the sent image to go to that particular user's album (instead of a big global upload folder) it requires either, a different email address for each user to send to, or logic on the email host to say "ok, this email is from wrillo" Either way it's not easy, I agree it's probably not a huge benefit. Particularly if Casper finds a way to just have one of your albums be fed directly from Facebook.... that solves the whole problem
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