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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Why pay 270 for a tandem jump when you can take a solo class for 320?
  2. My second pistol was a hipoint.... not bad for a plinker.
  3. I'm guessing it's for Memorial day... Hero 5/31 But thanks for ruining the joke
  4. and also, I'm sunburnt I guess there are prices to pay
  5. You know what's amazing? 1,000 bikes, no gear... and guess how many crashes ... 0. Meanwhile 10 of you go for a ride, with gear.... 2 crashes. So by my calculations, if there are 100x more crashes ... well you see where I'm going.
  6. Ended up being pretty slow, ~20-40 mph most the ride. Took a few pictures, definitely a good ride, the firefighters' memorial got well over $20,000.
  7. Dang, I love me some Greek food! Too bad though, I'm not going to downtown Cleveland in the dark unarmed
  8. tshirt, shorts, flip flops and a bandana... gotta stay cool
  9. Glad you're ok Tim. Walrus, I didn't think the ST was running well. Who was the dude on the cruiser?
  10. Unfortunately animal cruelty isn't a felony... but if it was, you could break the window & citizen's arrest the guy You get a whole lot more rights when there's a felony going on.
  11. What Swing'R said, don't trade it in, ADD a cruiser to the stable. Also, @Redrocket... I don't scrape floorboards or pegs anymore (now that I changed them)... I scrape kickstand... LOL
  12. Glad to hear, welcome back Benyen
  13. That made the list of the worst 50 inventions, I think it should be #1
  14. When you can use the comfort wipe...
  15. I disagree with the "Bikes don't crash alone" just ask the newb who drops the clutch first time trying to ride
  16. Seriously? I thought I had read that noone could open carry in Philly... or maybe it was you had to have a resident permit (I have a PA non-resident permit)
  17. I never use Shell, Get Go all the way.
  18. I got some anti chafing lotion in this bicycle race thingy.... it's called Butt'r or some crap.
  19. "What you need to race at DW42?" A living will, and a death wish.
  20. Good thing we passed that law to allow a board of farmers dictate what is safe and humane amirite?
  21. Just keep in mind Cleveland is challenging OC, so unless you have your Ohio CCW and choose to conceal stay out of Cleveland.
  22. PA has open carry, all cities except Philly.
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