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Everything posted by BiggO

  1. My sister emailed me today about this. I guess she works with someone in her family or something. Hope they find her.
  2. The language alone is a reason to not take your kid to the ball game. let alone this idiot throwing up. What happened to sports being a family event? It seems more than ever, that you go to some sporting event and its just a bunch of fowl mouthed, drunks! Not to say I'm perfect, but I try to respect parents and there kids. I see a child present at any event or public place, and I watch what I say.
  3. I'm thinking one of these will come jumping out of it!
  4. BiggO


    My thought too!
  5. Pick me pick me!! Did I get your attention?
  6. Don't do it. You'll void your warranty! JK Black rims look sweet!
  7. Same here. It's only 30 miles from my home.
  8. You guys talking about Jimbo's Bar and Diner out on Rt56 just before South Bloomingville? Or is there another Jim-bo's out there somewhere?
  9. I'll call thirds if the rest fall threw.
  10. I agree completely! On a scary note, my brother in law just bought a gun. He has a history of mental instability, depression, and a very short fuse. He can go from happy to pissed off, and threatening to kill, in seconds. Yet he has no criminal record so far. He does have a medical history for this and is currently on meds.
  11. I guess we should ban all cars, since it's the cars fault, not the drunk driver!
  12. I didn't know they made "crab spray" to kill those pesky crabs!
  13. I'm a good driver. Or at least I haven't gotten caught in a while!
  14. Hello from the first capital.
  15. I heard it was supposed to be about $100 more than the Ruger LCP. I want to see one when it comes out too!
  16. Saturday, Easter dinner with the in-laws, then Sunday, Church Play, and Easter lunch with my family. Then I came home and cleaned up the gift crap that my 4 kids got from Grandma!
  17. I wave at anyone on 2 wheels. Sport bike, Hardly, and scooter alike. It's 2 wheels against the cagers in my book. And anyone on 2 deserves the respect. Trikes can go to hell! JK If I can't wave, I nod.
  18. 1st pic : Sure looks better that Juan Claude Van Dam, even though they have the same bra size! 2nd camo pic: Camouflage? Who the hell would hide those beautiful bodies?
  19. I read the reviews on Lowe's site for this trailer and there are a couple ones that say the trailer is not very sturdy. It maybe good for hauling light stuff, but not for riding mowers. Did anyone get one of these yet? Wanted to see what you thought.
  20. The drawer one just screw to the drawer itself. If someone wanted it, they could just rip my drawer out and take the whole drawer. Its more for keeping the kids away from the gun, yet having it close to me at night so I can get to it easy. For the important stuff we have the Gardall safe that is bolted to the floor. But really the security system is the key to limiting the amount of time a burglar would be in our house, if they even tried. I had a guy call me to give him an estimate on a security system because he had been robbed. He was away on vacation and someone broke into his home. He had bragged about the nice gun safe that he had all his guns in. It was bolted threw the floor joist and the nuts were welded on. He even belt the bolts at the end so no one could get it out. When I came home from his trip, he discovered that the thieves used a chainsaw to cut the floor of his closet out and then they drug the 6ft tall safe over the hardwood floor and out the front door. If he had an alarm on the house they wouldn't have had time to do all that. He bought one after that.
  21. I also just got one from our supplier that goes into a drawer. Nice for keeping the gun in the bedroom, and away from the kids.
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