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Everything posted by stargazer

  1. Did you get my message?

  2. Jeff, checking to see if you got the PM I sent?
  3. Dude, did you get my PM?

  4. Not sure if the statistic is still current, but as of a few years ago, over half of all serious injury and fatality involved m/c crashes involved non-endorsed riders. Do youself a big favor, sign up for and complete the M/C rider safety course after you get your temps. If you take the course, you can skip the manuverability test normally required. You also get a break from most ins. companies for this 3 day class. Sign up for it where you buy your license plates. Get a helmet, make sure it fits right, wear gear and enjoy! You got a great bike.
  5. stargazer


    Yeah, I got all the power I need in my Busa too. I just like the dirt bike handling. If I was buying for power, it wouldn't be this. I wanted one but wasn't willing toi shell out the original price, but the get rid of 'em sale, o.k. I'll jump on that for a curve slicer. I'ma mediocre rider on twisties, but a short wheelbase bike like this makes me ride different and I can ride these things better than my Interstate cruise missle on twisties.
  6. You'll be old someday......maybe. Oh wait, maybe not, depends on if the Comrade approves that life saving surgery you could need over that young robust 30 year old, I mean just hypothetically.
  7. stargazer


    Not off the phone. Got no cord for that phone. I'll post them when i get the bike picked up, may not happen til first of the week. it's a long ass ways up there and I'm gettin new windows in my mansion this weekend.
  8. stargazer


    JRMMiii PM me a cell phone number and I'll text you the pic if you want........
  9. stargazer


    10/4 on the full report, pics..........which unfortunately I can't do at this time, no cord for phone. WTF? What do you mean if??! You better after you and your Inya buddy wrapped me around the axle over it. you better get crackin'!
  10. stargazer


    You need a Moto Guzzi..............hey or how about a new Indian Chief Heritage, since it's only money , you can swing that $36,500.
  11. stargazer


    Pretty much. I don't know any of you well enough to call you anything. But, come on, no one ever comes to the end of their life and says, " Shit! I wish I would've been more fiscally conservative." Spend it if you can, if you can't, you can't
  12. stargazer


    If you're scared, say you're scared. You know you want it. Step up Man and pull the trigger. I should've never broadened my horizons and sickened my mind with this website.
  13. stargazer


    Well............ not exactly. The guy at Western Reserve has a re-map that he has worked with and is giving up a copy of it. As far as Farrows. I called them today, all I could out of them over the phone was " WE have one left and we're not sure what we're going to do with it." I asked her if she was going to make a freakin' museum piece out of it, or if she wanted to sell it. " I'll have to check with the owner." WTF?! You Should make WR HD your sponsor,
  14. stargazer


    I got the 1125R in white w/ the blue rims. I opted for the body kit from Buell cause I got a good deal on it. A long day, had to go all the way to freakin' Mentor to get it. Jim Richards and Mike "Evil" Irwin were great to deal with. If you were gonna get one, they still have stock, although the price jumped on them a little. i didn't get it for $5400, but i feel like I still got a good deal. As far as F&S, Farrows, Hale's and a couple dealers in Ky., they can all kiss my BIG RED ASS! I can tell you some stories about today for sure. I'd deal with these guys again or the dealership in Piqua. But that would be about it. Trying to get a picture downloaded, but my kid's cell phone isn't cooperating. They have several left. CR and R, red. They had the cherry translucent XB that Inya liked and some other cool stuff. The suck ass part is I couldn't bring it home tonight so I got to go back and get it. But, the deal is done.
  15. Then you should be educated in the rings of matrimony; The engagement ring The wedding ring............. The SUFFER ring! Walk the Line, walk the line
  16. stargazer


    O.K. I FINALLY got my mind made up, those pics did it for me. I need the info. where to order that stuff from ( Europe?) I'm taking another day off tomorrow and slapping some $ down. i'll let you know how it goes.
  17. stargazer


    Shitty? Opinion, what did you tell the Joker? And what MFR. is that pipe in those pics?
  18. stargazer


    Good Points. I'm probably what you would refer to as a true horsepower snob. I got seat time in a GSXR1000 w/ 2 stage boost that cranked out 335hp. I'm 6'2" and weigh 250. So i figure the 146 hp might be a little more adequate. Inya, you posted that webaddress for that fairing kit and I been sittin' here tryin' to find it. Do you still have it. Because that 1125 definitely would have to have that if I bought it.
  19. stargazer


    Tpoppa, see above( if you come back to this thread let me know what you think. Anybody else want to help me spend money? ( on the bike) please, give me your opinions. I'd like to know.
  20. stargazer


    IP, That helps. I ride a Busa, so I have HP on tap. I agree it can make you lazy. I won't be tracking it, just backroads, and honestly, i want a bike that will be more fun to ride on twisties than a lowered 530lb. whale. I've rode both. My concern is finding parts for that rotax in a few years. I appreciate the advice.
  21. stargazer


    Isaac's Papa? What's you opinion?
  22. stargazer


    Thanks Don. Hey your location says Kettering. You refer to Flint? You livin' in Mi.? I'm from there originally. Hate it for you! Flat and straight.
  23. stargazer


    I could be #3 after tomorrow. What makes me consider buying one of these listening to a bunch m/c nuts that I have never met while my closest riding buddies warn me not to do it. I love the way these things handle. I need some opinion from some of you outlaws. I know I made a negative comment about the aircooled V-twin vs. the rotax. My question is would you go with simplicity and good parts availability w/ less power or the rotax motor? What say ye?
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