Usually I just say I don't have any money. Today was a special day though. Just had a dumb ass bitch pull right out in front of me on rt 40 and had the old heart rate going 160BPM. Pulled into the speedway on 42 and got a pack of smokes, pulled next to the station and light up. Guy in a beat up van with his kid and wife rips into the lot, drops the wife at the front door pulls back around the station into a spot right in front of me. Gets out with fat little kid (licking himself like a puppy dog) and asks if he can have a smoke. I'm half done and still angry at every dumb ass on four wheels with no driving skills. With the helmet flipped up, gear on, I turned the key started the bike and flipped the rest of the cig towards him and said "sure". Followed by a wheelie out of the grass into the truck lot and off I went to find the next ass wipe changing lanes while chatting on the phone. Dads' favorite line, "Never a lender nor a borrower be". God rest his soul.