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Everything posted by buildit

  1. It was hot but the trails were pretty dry which made keeping the speed up a little easier. Made for a great day even in the heat. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaiqfHvzNMo
  2. I was doing a group ride when a cop u-turned and came after us. Me and one other stopped. So did a pickup behind us. Turned out the officer was stopping the pickup for tail gating Eric, the guy behind me. Neither he or I had any idea we were being tail gated but thanked the officer none the less.
  3. I put my hand up to turn it off and nothing was there. Given I'd just gone under that branch I assumed it was knocked off there. Sure enough.... Kind of disappointed, I just got the camera last fall and already the battery is dying before the card is full. About 14 GB or 3.5 hours. I wonder if contour has started that bettery replacement program they talked about yet.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZDQNn6ug4k
  5. I had it on the top of the helmet and a branch took it clean off. That'll teach me.
  6. My poor Contour roam tried to end it's existence today in a fit of boredom. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fq5TjQ5Bybk
  7. I cry because all the cameras were put away and I only saw it at the last minute because he was coming around a turn the opposite direction. The fact it was a flat bed is what blew me away. I've seen bikes trailering bikes but never with a flat bed trailer!
  8. So I'm on my way home heading West on rt 56 after a long day of trails in SE Ohio. I hauled the bike down in the truck, so it was loaded in the back when what do I see coming the other way near Mount Stearling? A cruiser with a flat be trailer on the back and a dirt bike on the trailer! I now have a new goal in my life.
  9. So are the guys in shorts and tank tops on chrome mules Squids too? Or is that a pirate, groupie or some other term? My friend and I laughed today when a lady walked past and said "arn't those jackets hot"? Of course I said no and even if it was it was better than the heat of pavement burning off your flesh in a crash. She immediately holds her arm up saying "Oh, I know that's how I got this scar". I laughed and was like WTF? She's already been road rashed and still doesn't get it? Darwin, where for art though?!!!
  10. So you're the reason rt33 was backed up all the way to 270. You made me and a friend have to ride down Alum Creek into the boon docks away from all the traffic and away from everyone....... Thank You!
  11. Searching the Columbus or Springfield area for companies seeking people with lab, hazardous material, Waste Water, environmental, chemical handling or related field work. I have two degrees, graduated Cum Laude from OSU and years of experience in many areas in and outside of the lab. Please PM me with leads or for more information. Thanks, Luke
  12. Reminds me of a joke my dad who worked as a cop in NY used to tell. Terrible accident and a lady was thrown from her car. She lost ever stitch of cloths as she rolled down the road. SHP was first on the scene and the trooper not having anything handy placed his hat over her privates out of respect for the lady. A local sheriff showed up next and surveyed the accident. As he checked things out he saw the lady and the troopers hat. He walked over lifted the hat and shook his head as he put it back in place. This out raged the trooper who stormed over and started to read the Sheriff like a drill sgnt on a prvt in the military. The trooper asked "was it worth the look to disrespect the dead?" The Sheriff looked back and said, "well sir, it's the first time I ever saw anything but a giant prick under one of those hats."
  13. Also don't forget the parades and small town events this weekend. Be prepared for detours and bubba and GF driving drunk to get more beer for the kin folk.
  14. From Troy take I-70 to 56 and just keep going south. When you get to 278 turn left to get to rt33 (then back home thru Columbus) or right and go past Zeleski to reach 50. Turn right on 50 and it takes you to 35 back to Dayton, then us 68 or 75 to get home. Short little trip.
  15. OSHP revenue weekend! Just counted 7 from London to Springfield on I-70. Good weekend to stay inside or by the pool with friends.
  16. THE KLR LIVES! Risen from the dead! After three hours of surgery the KLR made it's PT ride around the yard sporting a new swing arm, swing arm bolt, three point connector, speedo cable and new front and rear tires. The old three point assembly seems fine but need cleaned up and regreased. The old swing arm will need a new set of bearings and chain slider but otherwise is okay. Here's what the old bolt looks like now that it is finally out. Everything is back together. Thanks to C&C Automotive in Xenia (AKA Smiling John and Becky) for getting that bolt out. If not for you I'd be trying to remove it with the bucket of my tractor!
  17. If you get really scared just shit yourself and then throw it on their windshield.
  18. Hope you had a chance to hit the gravel roads in the area. The Hanging rock last weekend was right there and had great on and off road riding. There are two video on ADVFilmer for the ride.
  19. Last weekend was a great weekend for such a big event. I was there to shot photos and video. Took the photos and turned them into a video instead of posting them individually. We'll see what the response of that is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dz8RW3qKm6s
  20. Agreed as for giving chase but following doesn't mean you have to speed and attempt to keep up. The officer in the video I posted was seriously goated into chasing him. But there is another video where the officer remained calm, didn't speed or even try to follow despite him turning around in his bike seat and flipping the bird with both hands. But this was on an almost empty road not a busy city highway.
  21. Do they? I don't know how true that is. "Don't kill the rider", but if it was your kid, friend, parent, or wife a dumb ass like that caused to die for playing a stupid game I bet you'd all be pissing hail and wishing to burn him on a cross with the bike shoved up his ass. Not talking about how cool his actions were and how he could outrun the law. It is an interesting double standard many of you have about this. I honestly don't understand it. It's fun to go fast, I get that, so go where you are only risking your ass. It's easier to be hurt in an accident on a bike, I have personal experience. But if the police have to become involved because of your actions, you stop! Face up, you were breaking the law and got caught. I've gotten a speeding ticket on a bike (72 in a 55). Big deal, not the end of the world and I decided it wasn't worth my life or someone else's life to have that sort of fun.
  22. I don't get the comments about how cool this guy is. IS it just because he's on a sport bike and does what you guys would like to be able to do or are you really cheering on a person riding on public roads at dangerously high speeds, putting others at risk and tying up police who could be working at catching thieves who stole your MC, robed your house or committed some other crime? What happened to the responsible keep it on the track view point I hear so much? Or is that just for other riders, because when you do it you're better and safer at it?
  23. That's funny, I just saw a military style ural on US40 this week. I've heard some "not good" things about them like top speeds of 45mph and parts being hard to get. Over all they are cool looking though and the 2wd aspect makes them even cooler for exploring or unpaved road applications.
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