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Everything posted by buildit

  1. I hate everyone, it's up to the individual to prove me wrong. Rep= click on little scale on right near post number-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^^^^^
  2. Obviously they have decided there is no intelligent life here, otherwise they would stop and chat.
  3. Cool, but you should know anytime you work on a KTM it's going to take a while.
  4. I'd love to move back to the Adirondacks. Hate New York taxes and politics but love the area. It is home to me. Not to mention all the wonderful back roads twisting thru the mountains.
  5. Casper, please modify Exarch's user name. He's our Dead Meat!
  6. Great another sport bike. Welcome to the madness.
  7. It's like watching a sitcom on TV where a room full of politicians try to explain democracy. They all have been doing it but really have no clue how they managed to accomplish it.
  8. I pm'd Goldie but I've been looking for a class closer to West side of Columbus. Casper, let me know if you register for another class. If I'd seen this yesterday I'd have called you.
  9. It works the other way if you have inverted forks right?
  10. Sugar not needed just add some of that Mio stuff, plus it makes your fuel pretty colors! As for practice, here are some of the MSF basic maneuvers. http://www.bikesafer.com/msf_brc_review_range.html
  11. Can you turn this into a GIF ohio riders file? http://s147.photobucket.com/albums/r288/luke1324/rides/?action=view&current=KTM.mp4
  12. Take my word for it, if the bike looks like that he probably slid a few feet too. Hell, you can fall down walking and skin your knee. I had full protective gear and managed to break my fibula and tear ligaments in my ankle at 14mph on chip and seal.
  13. I so wanna give you more rep imprez, that's a perfect gif image for Brians rant! Brian, don't blow that head gasket, just think of all the riders out there every day who are in the same boat he is in right now. But just like someone who has money to buy a gun he assumes because he can fire it he is ready for combat. I am at least painting a pretty picture in my head of him at least having protective gear on since there was no mention of road rash on his ass from low siding. I give this thread **** stars. It has drama, emotions and real life characters. All it needs is a hot female co-star to add that extra drama of what will she look like after the crash and will the leg humpers still care.
  14. Be warned, the MSF class isn't something you normally can decide you're going to take the day before. They fill up be the middle of April sometimes. I mean all of them. Currently all classes in Greene County are full till 7-19-12. https://www.dps.state.oh.us/MOScheduling/Registration_Start.aspx?strCounty=29 Just cracks me up the second hand info you are using to back up other second hand info. Not trying to be mean, though I'm sure it seems that way. Just experience talking I guess. Easy to forget what it was like learning the bike and only thinking about the fun it promised to be. Glad you're okay and the bike is repairable, first lesson survived. I'm surprised none of your new buddies have offered to meet you at a local high school or empty parking lot this weekend to help you work on some skills. If this is the case let me know. I can meet with you Sunday in Xenia and we can turn some of that interweb skill into riding skill. Not going to say you'll ride away ready to carve up 555 but you'll have some firm basics to build on instead of interweb hear say and second guessing
  15. Well said. We'd all love to give you a magic answer but if it was that easy it would be for sale on i-tunes.
  16. Are we still trying to get this guy a motorcycle online masters degree? Someone go steal the tires off his ninja before he wads it up trying to back out of the garage by inverted steering technique he read about online.
  17. Open an american flag shop with a big sign advertising free american flags for burning...... terrorist come in, they don't walk out.
  18. Starting back out 50 lbs each hand is too much. If your out of shape then your muscles are out of shape and that means energy supply routes have been reduced. Your joints also have changed and heavy weights all of a sudden can tear ligaments or weaken tendons. Then lifting will really suck. So focus less on hypertrophy and get endurance first. Something simple like tonight do 25x2 sit ups, 25x2 pushups, 20lbs each hand at 10x5 curls and overhead, 50lb bar bench at 5x5. See how your body feels and increase by 5 lbs next workout if desired. But tomorrow, go walk, light jog, bicycle, tread mill if you have one for 20 min, 1 hour after dinner. Alternate the days exercise with Saturday or Sunday as a day off if needed. By increasing in increments you are less likely to overdo it and able to adjust down in weight if needed. Same for the cardio days. Sounds easy but starting out the biggest issue is getting into a habit of doing it. Results will come
  19. Instead of killing yourself, why not reduce the weight and just do more reps? And if your just starting out 35 lbs that many reps your doing more harm than good.
  20. I found working for the government to be the biggest learning experience in NOT trusting the government.
  21. Does this help? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7MRzutNM3Q In my 30's I was doing tae kwon do 4 days a week for 3 hours. Wouldn't know it now at 42. My accident gave me inspiration to get fit again and try to stay in better shape but it also made me realize that cardio and stretching is more important now that when I was younger. Still can't put my foot over my head like 10 years ago but every day a bit stronger every day a little longer.
  22. buildit

    Rider Down

    With no description of the bike, rider name or circumstances it could be anyone who's female. Prayers for the rider reguardless.
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