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Everything posted by buildit

  1. KLIM riding pants on sale at TREMX.com. I just got a second pair for $150 (Rounded up) with shipping included (other stores are $179 plus shipping). I love mine even in summer I think their as cool while riding as the MX pants so many guys wear. Just thought I'd let everyone know a good deal.
  2. There is a little public park behind the gas station and a grocery store on the left of it. I've never heard of anyone having issue parking in either area.
  3. Sunday the 16th, I'm overdue to get a beginners Tar Hollow ride done. It will be tough enough that a good rider would decide not to do it on a V-strom and a bad rider would still make it on a KLR. Meet up 10:30 Sunday at the gas Station off rt 56 and 180 in Laurelville. If you would post up if you plan to attend so I can know how many plan to come. If the weather turns back to crap that day, I'll reschedule the ride, but I'm trying to give folks a good advance notice so they can mow the yard now! PS We really got to get Casper to add a Dual Sport rider section.
  4. So if I talked about what a shit palace I had and showed a photo of a trailer after a tornado that would not imply that the trailer is my house? False advertising is a misleading or otherwise deceptive form of communication aimed at developing an illicit perception or reaction. Funny how our politics have more lies than a spam email does. Old saying, "figures don't lie but liers can figure".
  5. Here's detective work for ya. I see three Sb 5 supporters and one opposed.
  6. Tighter than this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xW3yqC87LuY
  7. Well, I dual sport ride. Only true MX bike I have is the YZ426 and it is not good in tight stuff. The best tight woods bike I have is the KLR. It's not the fastest but it's geared low, has good off road tires on it and makes it home every time.
  8. Got it. Too bad you don't ride dual sport, I could show you some awsome areas near there. Look forward to meeting you. I'll be in the blue Dodge Ram with some bike in the back.
  9. Maybe we can all meet somewhere close to there a but easier to find. I'm good at getting lost which is why I can find good trails.
  10. So I should bring the 950? I did flint ridge on the KLR650. Those guys thought I was nut too.
  11. I guess it depends on where in Chillicothe.Probably the shortest route would be 23 south from rt 56.
  12. The 10th? I could be up for that. What time and where to meet?
  13. Crap, I just looked at this coming weekend. Sat is the OR chili cookoff and Saturday is a bunch of us old farts getting together someplace near Perry to sacrifice young virgins. or was that bullshit and fix bikes?
  14. Sir, please put the beer down and let the hooker out of your safety strap.
  15. buildit

    Lucky Luke

    That's me. Three weekends in a row weather was supposed to be crappy at best and it turned out perfect! Today was awsome riding trails all over the McArthur area, even Richland Furnace APV area. Whoever is spreading the rummer RF APV sucks hasn't been recently. See for yourself the fun we had. 120 Miles of it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEMlOUGpaEw
  16. I was busy leading a ride around Tar Hollow. Next weekend? Just give me a few days notice so I don't forget and commit to something else.
  17. -1 progressive I will never use them again, even if it was free. I was in an accident as a kid, not my fault, other driver cited. Because it was a self insured trucking company, NAPA, they did everything but deny my claim. Finally had to threaten personal injury to get the value of the vehicle out of them. "F" Progressive.
  18. Sorry, the Dl1000 dynoed at 87.7Hp. Clip of the dyno being done is in the vid below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoWWlZHSepM
  19. Vmax was about 120-130, Vstrom dynoed at 85hp (I think, I have the figures in one of my Utube vids)
  20. I payed three times more for my V-strom over a Vmax with Allstate. Change to Gieco dropped it by $400. According to an AMA report that came out about that time the National Insurance Institute made a list of "High power Sport Bikes" to be seen as high risk. They put the DL1000 on that list. Must have been looking at the pictures and not reading the specs.
  21. Only use I've seen for quads is making new trails for bikes, hauling drunks and plowing snow in tight areas. Other than that they seem useless.
  22. Have you seen the cars in Troy? Half of them aren't legal anyways.
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