Don't worry it's not hard. If your on face book I need people to go to Leo Vince ( face book page and like them first then like my video, Ride to stay fit. If you actually watch it and do like it all the better. Thanks. Apparently if you don't like the Leo Vince site first you can't see the video.
Yeah, I know a lot of guys use them, but I don't like to use them on the road anymore than listening to music. I guess I wanna hear that truck right before it hits me.
On the real side. 10 Things New riders actually do wrong. 1. Forget to get proper gear 2. Buy a bike they want to be on not the bike they need to learn on 3. Ask their "friends" and coworkers for riding advice 4. Ignore warnings from their "real" friends 5. Forget the bike actually weighs 400+ pounds 6. Forget to put the kick stand down 7. Take the bike to Quaker Shake-a-Dude bike night 8. Think a few beers is okay before riding 9. Think poping a wheelie means you got MAD SKILLZ 10. Go for a ride with Sam while still learning to ride.
Helmet video coming, will take time to process. The GPS stuff I won't put online. No reason to advertise to people who won't ask to ride it. I'll email it to you later tomorrow probably.
Thanks, I think the bike will forgive me for the abuse. Nothing broken. Yeah, it's processing now. 15 min worth to get edited, processed and loaded. Oh, is your head feeling better?
Had a great time watching you guys play afterwards. Had even more fun riding the trails. Thanks so much for having me along.
Sorry Columbus is closed for construction. We hope to reopen the roads in 2015 when most the work will be so far behind and under funded that APV's will be the only way for Ben to get to work. Thanks and remember Dayton has an Air Force museum.