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Everything posted by buildit

  1. I like the way the guy in On Any Sunday rode with his dog. He had attached carpet to the gas tank so the dog had a surface to grab onto. Keep in mind, he wasn't riding around town, this was Baja style enduro riding with what looked like a border collie! People always tell me I should get a side car for the doberman and dalmation but I know them too well. The second the engine started they'd be wanting to chase me not ride with me.
  2. Well, to those who didn't make it you missed a good ride. No rain at all for the ride and the rain last night kept the roads from being dusty. Had a good group show form ADV and Caveman riders. But no one from OR. Casper, we waited for you.
  3. Just so anyone wonders, I WILL be there tomorrow, at 10am unless the weather prohibits my timely arrival. The ride will go on rain or shine.
  4. I've been all through London, Ohio. There's no Ace Cafe there, just Phat Daddies and a oriental joint.
  5. I rode the KLR650 to go work out and when I got ready to leave it was raining. So a genius looks at me and say's "looks like your gonna get wet"? Me "Nope, I ride between the rain drops".
  6. Yeah but if you do it right you need to add new things as you get some accomplished. Technically I will still have items unfinished on my list when I'm dead even if the three above are completed. Half the excitement is wanting to do something, the other half is doing it.
  7. Simple enough, what are the top three things you wanna do before the big nap? Me? 1. Make a movie or tv show about motorcycling that is actually makes me money. 2. Travel by bike through all of North and South America and maybe the world. 3. Move to the Mountains (Adirondacks or Rockies).
  8. Yeah, those stroms are great cars. Let me show you a real rider. He's from Alaska and this isn't his first trip across the country or in Europe on a bike. Oh, he's also like 74 years old and that isn't his only bike. Met him at McClures in McArthur, hell of a nice guy too. Real riders don't need to go 204 MPH or have chrome cup holders.
  9. Why do I never have a camera when I really need one? Walmart parking lot and I'm just coming out after getting some mtn dew. Three cruisers pull into the lot, and you can hear them blipping the engines as they put-put across the lot to the front of the store where bicycles park. Of course they are head to toe pirate gear and even once stopped continue to blip the throttle to let everyone enjoy their open exhausts and know they have arrived. Suddenly I hear a small, "Oh, shit" as one of the village people drops his bike sideways, followed by a huge rev of the engine as he held the throttle open trying to keep the bike from going over further. Well, he had attention and looks then. I could hear others laughing too at the big bad bikers as they tried to lift the cruiser back up. I hoped on the strom still laughing about the "fags" episode from south park.
  10. I did that twice in Tae Kwon Do, but not that bad. Ice it down and keep it elevated and hopefully it will be better soon.
  11. Is it 10w-40 non synth? If so I've run it in the KLR and DL1000 with no issues. I used to get it at Meijers for $3.50 a quart.
  12. This would explain the "no guns allowed" signs all over the place. The state says it's okay but business owners say no.
  13. 1. I have three first names, none of them are billy or joe. 2. I like the Adirondacks better than Ohio, I was born there. 3. I have never been married, not sure I ever wanna be married either 4. I have two dogs who are like my kids 5. I have dial up internet 6. I refuse to pay for tv when they still have commercials 7. I have two degrees in environmental science 8. I'm currently unemployed (see #7) 9. I love dual sport riding, it's like having limitless options for riding 10.I have the same user name on five different forums
  14. Awww, I was going to guess user error.
  15. Odd that unlike any normal person who wrecked a bike into a cop car he wasn't pepper sprayed, tazed, kicked in the groin (once for each nut) then handcuffed and arrested.
  16. That's what I thought but I was aught you solve an equation like you read. The whole equation is again poorly expressed and seems to be a result of people solving math with computers instead of by hand. So we have to express stuff so the computer will understand. So if you wanted multiplication to occur first you would write that first, not at the end.
  17. 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1-1+1+1+1+1+1+1x0= zero
  18. He was on a cruiser so it probably had the heal and toe shift control not just a shifter lever.
  19. Are you trying to start it with the kick stand down? I know many bikes sensor on the stand fail. Could also be a fuel pump dying. Last guess might be a TBS or TPS sensor.
  20. Is it fuel injected or Carburated?
  21. sorry, I was real tired last night or an angel made me do it.
  22. Sounds like an angle was watching over the two of you. Glad your both okay and remember when the insurance says' they'll only give you half the bikes value that you might need medical attention for whip lash and your wife is having headaches since the accident.
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