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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. I'm gonna guess Grandpa watched Dirty Harry and picked himself up a Smith & Wesson Model 29, .44 magnum. 6" or 8 3/8" barrel, had to look menacing if he was going to pull it on some ne'er-do-well.
  2. Thought this sounded familiar: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=39898
  3. Refurb XB360 Pro @ Gamestop: $199.99 for $40 more, hit the Gamestop tomorrow... my $0.02 worth.
  4. Ice cream might melt on the trip home... "My" Kroger said "Merry Christmas" too. Must've received the OK from Corporate...
  5. Where does your wife work? I'm shopping there!
  6. If it still boots into Windoze and you just need your product key, try Magic Jelly Bean Key Finder, finds yer Windoze, Office, most M$ crap that requires a key. Tested, used often, it works. OR, go to Best Buy, Wally World, Micro Renter, anywhere new machines are sold, use camera on your cell to snap pix of the stickers on brand new machines...
  7. doesn't look like an invite is needed. i went there, clicked a random link on the front page, saved the .torrent, fed it to my Bubba Server, it found the seeds/leeches and started pulling down the bits. Figured that maybe the front page links work but only members can get to anything else, so I went into the movie section, found The Hangover, sent it to Bubba, and it also worked. Soooo, maybe I'm missing something?
  8. jblosser

    Polar Bear Run

    According to the A.D. Farrow e-mails they send me all the time (and their web site), it's from 8am - 1pm at the Flying J - still up at Northstar. Not that anyone's going to be getting there at 8am after the previous night's festivities, just wanted to post it up.... Only a 5 minute ride from my house, so I'm going unless there's snow.
  9. Guess I'm missin' sumthin' - but it sounds like I don't wanna know, either... I voted for her. That is all.
  10. It could be your very own Christmas Miracle! GLWS!
  11. Get it right - it's HanuRamaKwanzMas! Merry Christmas everybody!
  12. spotted: Black Buell 1125r, southbound S.R. 3/State Street in Westerville, just south of Polaris at 12:45 today. thermo in the truck said 36. gotta be someone on here.
  13. jblosser


    <oldie, but funny> Computer: You have installed a new network card. Lucas: That is correct. Computer: It is a RealTek8026. Lucas: No, that is the card I just replaced. Computer: I am now looking for drivers for your RealTek8026. Lucas: You don't understand. I just removed the RealTek8026. I now have a DLink510. Computer: I have found a driver for your RealTek8026. Shall I install it? Lucas: But it's not a...fine, whatever makes you happy. Computer: I have updated the driver and will now restart. Lucas: Whatever. Computer: [restarts] Lucas: Get me myth5, please. Computer: I can't. Your RealTek8026 isn't behaving as it should. Lucas: Of course not, dumbass. Like I said, I have a DLink510. Computer: Check the Properties/Drivers menu on your hard drive icon. Lucas: Okay. Yes, I know that you think it's a RealTek8026, but...no, never mind. Remove that RealTek. Computer: Done. I will now reboot. [pause] I have found new hardware. Lucas: Yes. It is my DLink510. Computer: It is a RealTek8026. I am looking for drivers... Lucas: IT'S NOT A FUCKING REALTEK. Computer: I have found a driver. Shall I use it? Lucas: No. Use the driver on this disk. Computer: Okay. Ah, I see that this is a driver for a DLink510. Lucas: Indeed it is. That's what I have. The card you are looking at is a DLink510, not a RealTek8026. My old card was a RealTek8026, but I am now holding it up in front of you. See? Clearly, the card inside the computer is not a RealTek8026. Do you understand? Computer: Sure. Lucas: [attempts to log on and fails] Why isn't this working? Computer: Boy, you got me. I think your RealTek8026 is acting up. Lucas: What? Computer: Perhaps you put it in wrong or something. Lucas: Listen, asshole, I'm not going to say it again. I have a DLink. The driver I gave you is for a DLink. Look - see this device profile? It's for a DLink! You say so yourself! Computer: Do you want me to freeze up on you? Lucas: Don't you try to threaten me, you sack of shit. Computer: [freezes up] Lucas: [restarts] I dare you to do that again. Computer: [freezes up] Lucas: GOD DAMN [restarts] I'M GONNA SMASH YOUR FUCKING HEAD LIKE A DRY EGGSHELL. Computer: [amusedly] Hey, guess what I just detected! It's a RealTek8026! Lucas: Yeah, yeah, keep it up and see what it gets you. Lucas: [shuts down machine] [removes DLink card, noting that "DLink" is clearly written on the central chip] [restarts computer] Well, do you see any RealTek's now? Computer: RealTek? What's that? Lucas: If I do a search for RealTek, or rt, or 8026, I'm not going to find any bullshit files hidden in this pathetic, bloated OS, am I? Computer: Of course not. Lucas: [searches] [finds nothing] Excellent. Perhaps you were just confused. Computer: Hm. Could be. Lucas: [shuts down] [reinserts DLink510] [restarts] Computer: I have located some new hardware. It is a RealTek8026. I am now searching... Lucas: DAMN YOU TO HELL. Computer: ...for drivers for this device. Look, I've found three. Which shall I choose from? Lucas: This isn't funny, you filthy cocksucker. Tell you what: I'll switch my DLink to a different slot. Computer: What's a DLink? All I see is this RealTek8026. Shall I load up a driver for... Lucas: [shuts down] [swaps slots] [double-checks that "DLink" is written on this card and "RealTek" is written on the card lying on the floor] [restarts] Computer: I have found new hardware. It is a DLink510 Ethernet adapter. Lucas: Excellent! It certainly is! Computer: Ha ha, no, I was kidding. In fact it is a RealTek8026. Lucas: YOU FUCKING LOAD OF SHIT, WHY ARE DOING THIS TO ME? Computer: What? I can't hear you. I'm all frozen up! [freezes up] Lucas: [restarts] Man. A $1700 piece of crap. I could buy crap for $5 a bag back in Illinois, but here in California it goes for $1700. Computer: Glory be, what is this that I detect? It appears to be a RealTek8026! A fine company, that RealTek. Shall I show you the wide array of drivers available for your RealTek8026? Lucas: Fuck you. [goes to bed]
  14. old school, brute force attack: vs. =
  15. jblosser

    vending machine

    From the album: misc

  16. jblosser

    cash and coins

    From the album: misc

  17. jblosser

    Database shit

    You do know what DBA stands for, right? Don't Bother Asking We have 4: The manager of the group - knowledgeable and helpful, doesn't ride The "senior" DBA - semi-knowledgeable, not at all helpful, 400+ pounds, rides a Vee Strom The "junior" DBA - learning while doing - helpful, eager to please, rides a Honda cruiser The "other" DBA - from India, extremely knowledgeable and helpful, but can't understand a word he says...., doesn't ride.
  18. Try Once Ridden Bikes, a used bike shop on campus. 310 E. Hudson 614.447.9997 My buddy Joe owns the shop and will treat you properly. His stock is always changing, so he may or may not have anything you'd be interested in. I've known him for about 32 years, and he was the best man at my wedding. Wow, I'm getting old...
  19. jblosser

    Halley and me

    15 y/o boy: "Hi, I'm here to pick up Halley for our date. Oh, hi Halley's dad. Umm, I think I'll just be on my way then, sorry to bother you, sir..." /runs away as fast as he can...
  20. If noise or lack thereof is at all a factor, get a belt drive. Very quiet (relatively speaking) compared to chain or screw drive. Chamberlain w/battery backup, $220-ish at Lowes/Home Depot.
  21. 42" snow thrower mounted to the front of the lawn tractor and a 30" Simplicity walk-behind. Or, pull the lever back into 4 high in the truck if there's not enough time in the morning. Wife's A8 makes it through most anything, but she complains if the driveway isn't bone dry....
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