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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. If it's a Dell, go here: http://ftp1.us.dell.com/diags/R66243.htm go to section 4, "Battery recalibration". We've done this at work with about 75% success. It basically drains the battery completely then recharges it. Best to let it run overnight. 3+ billion dollar company and we do crap like this instead of keeping $80 batteries on hand... <sigh>
  2. what he said^^^, unless work's buying, then just get OEM from the manufacturer.
  3. definitely the 50's. Ride with Fonzie (during the Triumph/BSA days, after he stopped riding the H-D's), mess with Officer Kirk: Then kick Chachi's asssss and hit it with Joanie:
  4. I've only been able to participate in one mission due to a lot of them happening either during the week or too far away, but I appreciate the mission (no pun intended whatsoever), the idea itself. I only wish there were more that I could get to. Actually, I wish there were none; i.e. no fallen soldiers to which to pay tribute, but that's not going to happen... Please keep the updates coming. And how am I supposed to carry a 3' x 5' flag on my bike? How do others carry their flags? Ideas?
  5. Congrats and thanks in advance for your service! /mental note to self - don't piss off CBRjess, might get shot...
  6. jblosser


    duh. I knew that. Just pointing out the "coder's" not so great, and not exactly new, script. 5 minutes with some shell scripting, sed and awk, and a maps.google call produces the same result. When I went through my Squid proxy - which is supposed to hide the internal addr and only show the publicly addressable one, his script grabbed my private addr. Redirected myself past the proxy and straight out one of the ns servers and the script stopped at the ns server and didn't continue on in. Must look at the F5 and Cisco configs, but maybe week after next. I'm on vay-kay as of 51 minutes ago, so only if a server catches fire am I doing anything till the 30th. Ha! Something will blow up and need attention...
  7. jblosser


    <click for larger image> Fail. Grabs my NATted internal 10.net addr, puts me in the South Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Nigeria... javaScript kiddies....
  8. Watch for 2 seconds, buffer for 5 seconds, watch 2, buffer 5, repeat ad infinitum. Meh. Go here instead: http://www.southparkstudios.com/episodes/251889/
  9. "The trouble with a kitten is that when it grows up, it's always a cat." --- Ogden Nash
  10. Chesterville, Ohio? You gotta have a barn, right? Need I say more? Buy it, fix it, ride it, sell it, prof it!
  11. How 'bout this place:http://www.zeromotorcycles.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=4&products_id=25 I've never dealt with them, just what Uncle Google suggested...
  12. Also available for your thieving pleasure at: http://jblosser.com/prt.zip approx. 50MB As Tom said, if you like it, buy it!
  13. Ford backward = Driver Returns On Foot
  14. "eier" in German means "egg", and colloquially means something else...:
  15. 1967 Austin Healey MK III 3000 roadster - $52500 (Cleveland) Date: 2009-11-09, 3:09PM EST Reply to: sale-3yewt-1458406912@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?] ONE OWNER CAR. Yes, bought originally in 1967 and the cars is in great shape. Never restored all original metal. The car has 50,000 miles on it. Lots of pictures available so let me know if you want more. 4 cyl 6 speed orginal interior. Owner does not want to sell and has hired me to sell for him, emotional you know. Please email to me any questions comments etc. ....mebbe 6 cylinders and 4 speeds? ...."owner does not want to sell and has hired me to sell for him, emotional you know" I call either bullshit or wife is pissed at husband and it's "bye bye toy time". move the decimal point to the left a place or two and the price seems better.
  16. I will pray for all of you, heathens and Jews. Not <even> going to get into a discussion of religion, except for Wrillo: You do know that Espicopalians are just Catholics that wear suits to church instead of blue jeans, dontcha?
  17. Closed $25.90, +0.98 (3.93%) Fags on Wall Street are bullish on HOG!
  18. http://www.southparkstudios.com/episodes/251889/
  19. http://www.cycletrader.com/find/search-results/Type-Motorcycle/Make-Yamaha/Keyword-star/Radius-50/Zip-85001/Sort-Year:DESC/ Lotsa Star bikes in a 50 mile radius of Phoenix zip 85001. Good luck with the hunt!
  20. One of nearly every BMW ever made up for auction: http://ultimatemotorcycling.com/Guinness_Book_of_Records_BMW_Motorcycles_Auction Here's one of a bunch of pictures found at: http://users.telenet.be/tups/neutkens.htm
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