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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. I'd make up my own disease that I would claim makes it impossible for me to be comfortable UNLESS I have a lot of electronic devices running..
  2. Stayed at the Courtyard (Marriott) Convention Center about 9 years ago. Right near Ford's Theater, the Holocaust Museum, FBI, etc. Parking's $32/night, but you'll find it similarly bad elsewhere. Maybe drive the bike into the lobby, onto the elevator, and up to the room?! Marriott Corporate honors Military/Government discounts, according to their website. Might be able to do better via one of the online services.
  3. Put your location here, find a 'Rosa....or a Bonanza!
  4. Dear Team, As I told you last week, since the planet's not "globally warming", we are calling it "Climate Change" now. Thanks, Forrest Gore Vice President, United States, Retired
  5. If you feel like it, PM the dump file to me and I'll take a look....
  6. Since you've got a minidump, do this: Download MS's debug tool here: http://jblosser.com/ORstuff/dbg_x86_6.11.1.404.msi, or directly from MS in case you're wary of my website.... Install the debug tool. Install Symbols from your XP CD, from the folder \support\symbols Run the debug tool. Load the dump file into windbg and read it (this is why we installed Symbols). Type, without the quotes, "!Analyze -v" (yes, there's an exclamation point) at the windbg command line, this <should> tell you what the offending piece of hardware is. Alternately, you could wipe the thing out and start over with a fresh install of XP with the wireless card in it. Might work, might not. Does this happen when the router/engraver software is started? Maybe the s/w doesn't work with XP? Are you sure that router/engraver hardware itself is compatible with XP?
  7. dec = 26 26 hex = 1a Today is 30 and 1e did not use calculator ('cept the one upstairs). I remember turning 41, told everyone I was 29 in hex. Got more than a few weird looks, but I'm used to that...
  8. Back to Earache's question: I put an .ISO of a Dell Reinstallation CD (XP SP2) and an .ISO of straight XP SP3 here: http://jblosser.com/orstuff I'm assuming, but not promising, that the Dell .ISO would work. I'm thinking the SP3 .ISO <might> be a "Corporate Volume License" (CVL) edition, which means you need a CVL product key to install - the one on the side of the machine won't work.
  9. I usually use nothing - they only show up on the resume'. I agree - unless the person is "Joe Smith, M.D.", I don't see the point.
  10. So, adding "MCA, MCM, MCSE (2003), VCDX, VCP4, LPIC-2, CCSA" to my sig would cause you grief?
  11. Practice tests at CompTIA (have to register with CompTIA)
  12. How much hands-on experience do you have? If you've got at least 6 months you will probably be fine. Grab a study guide, try some of the online practice tests, see what you need to work on. What are you doing or plan to do with your cert? If you're planning to go the Microsoft MCS* route, do you work somewhere where there is/are a Windows Server(s)? See if your boss can talk with whomever is charged with the care and feeding of that server and let you work with that person, or when there's an upgrade to do maybe you can hang out and watch (and fetch coffee....!) You can read all you want, but hands-on is the best, and I would say only way to learn.
  13. quick Google search turned up this link to a "free for up to 10 users on one domain" mail system for Home Server. I've got Server 2000/2003/2008 Standard and Enterprise, but no Home server. Sorry.
  14. Guess Linux would be "great" for him, according to your own words, correct? Umm, yeah. Have you <ever> tried Linux? Even looked at the package lists for <any> distro in the past, oh, say 5 years? And Linux "is only worth installing if you can make your own"? Your own what? Roll your own distro? Write your own software? I'm not saying that someone who won't/can't replace a hard drive should attempt to install and use Linux, but to make the statements you made make it appear as though you have no idea what you're talking about.
  15. <rant> Not a prediction, a FACT. Hendrix did it well. This was a poor, poor imitation. What a disgrace - he seemed to get confused 'bout halfway through and couldn't remember and/or hit the right notes. And enough of the "smoking guitar" crap, already. It's played out, Ace Drunk? Early-onset Alzheimer's? You make the call. And why did I have to wait through 15 minutes of a monster truck "competition", err, exhibition? Seems like the main idea is to roll your truck. Snooze. </rant>
  16. I can vouch for Combs. Great work, couldn't tell anything had happened. Used them twice, car and truck.
  17. All employees: Since we see it cooling where we wanted to see warming (to support our F.U.D. theory), from now on it will be called "climate change". Please use the new term in all future communication. Thanks, Forrest Gore V.P., United States, retired
  18. jblosser

    Hot Chocolate

    Coffee mug + Swiss Miss (w/mini marshmallows), fill with coffee, stir, enjoy. Workingman's Starbucks.
  19. Now that's hardcore... ...unless it's a dirtbike, then it's just plain fun...
  20. I remember my first beer / toke / line of coke / hit of acid / whatever Grandma's on. Handled it much better than she did.
  21. If any of you like to throw steel-tip darts and are in the Columbus area, the league I throw in on Thursday nights is in need of some arms to fill out 1 or two teams. If you have a team (4 or more people), great. If you don't have a team but would like to throw, we can match you with other 'team-less' people. The league's winter season starts next Thursday, the 14th, 8 P.M., at Zuey's Roundback Bar, Morse and High, behind (roundback) the Tee-Jaye's. Format is: 501 (dido) - 2 games doubles, 4 games singles Cricket - 2 games doubles, 4 games singles Team game - chosen randomly each week, either 801, Shanghai, or Burma Road The emphasis is on fun, not on trying to become the next world champion. The ability levels range from 'darn-near beginner' to 'ranked in the top 100 in the U.S.'. Very nice mix of people; young, old, white, black, boys, girls, drunks, 1 asshat, you get the idea. $20/person for 11 weeks of play, 2 weeks of playoffs, then an end-of-season party with lotsa food and FREE BEER (well, 3 or 4, then you pay for the rest) I'll be there tonight by 8 if you want to stop by and drink a few/throw a few. PS: The bartenders (Keri and Lori) are very easy on the eyes....
  22. I think you've got north and south confused.... As to Sam's avatar, with Skyline there's no straining involved at all, unless it's trying to keep from erupting before you get to the head.... This: is more accurate... I'll try to remember to snap a pic for Yota's collection.
  23. Skyline: Jumbo 5-way inverted, 2 cheese coneys w/mustard, lotsa crackers, ice water. I feel a cash explosion coming any moment now....
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