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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. [free bump] Some poor sap somewhere woke up to find his Jeep on blocks... [/free bump] lbts glws
  2. :repost: http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=87663
  3. ^^^^ this. If you're pulling the trigger, it's to stop a threat, period.
  4. No bird shot for home defense. 00 or #4 buck or larger, 2 3/4, reduced recoil.
  5. Soooo, the 3 governors who preceded Barbour in the fine state of Mississippi pardoned a total of 10 murderers between them, all of whom worked in the Governor's Mansion. Here's our teaching moment, boys and girls: If you off someone in Mississippi, try to get a job in the Governor's Mansion - and you just might get your record cleaned up all nice and what-not.
  6. jblosser


    I'm sure there's some messed-up city law that forbids you from transporting critters out of their native area - as if squirrels aren't everywhere... I'd say take 'em to the park (on the other side of town), drown 'em, something. Pellet gun should work. Just make sure they're out of your house ASAP. Once they start breeding... Cat or dog could maybe get rid of them - I've got a fine huntin' cat I could loan ya, or get yourself one them little yippee dogs (cats that bark)...
  7. And Tebow threw for 3:16 yards...
  8. Grrrr. He (Gov. Barbour) also pardoned one other convicted murderer. Bad, bad decisions.
  9. Name/version # of program? I will bet your next paycheck it'll work on 7. And if it doesn't, I volunteer to come back-rev it to XP. If the other machines are all XP, then might as well have them all the same. Micro-Renter has a Dell on their landing page for $350. If you want/need a TB of disk, you'd need to add that too it (comes with 500 GB).
  10. Does it <have> to run XP? Most (not all, but most) programs that run under XP run just fine under 7. Since this is for a business, you'd likely want to have some sort of warranty, which a homebrew system isn't going to have. I'd suggest looking at a Dell - should be able to find sufficient power for < $500 If you get something with 7 pre-installed, I can put XP on it (assuming you try and fail to get your current program(s) to work under 7. Also, your list of parts is missing a case...
  11. The one shown in Casper's post was listed at a hair over $1 million, used (15,000 km), in 2006. Gonna hafta pass. Not gonna spend my moniez on that. If I hit the lottery, however...
  12. I have a couple you could choose from. Will post up details after work - I know one's silver and <I think> made by Philips, the other one's black, is an upconverting model, and might be a Toshiba. I am in Central Ohio, Westerville to be specific.
  13. Jesus' favorite quarterback just sent Pittspuke a-packin'. Woot! That is all. Flame away.
  14. jblosser

    Dash Cam

    Shoulda tried to set a new left-right lane change world record...
  15. Guess I was thinking of summer interns. We've had some that have been full-time in the summer, and then part-time during the school year. We've hired (or attempted to) the good ones... The few bad ones don't make it past one summer. You're at the Puzzle Palace on King, correct? My pop retired from there. Involved in some double-secret stuff during the cold war years of the late '50's and through the 60's. Does the 5th (top) floor of the main building still have mirrored glass? That's left over from the work they did on the Manhattan Project.
  16. Another thing - assuming you like to go out with the fellas and have a pop or two, save that for Friday and Saturday - I don't want a hungover intern in the office, makes a bad impression. And when I said "be on time", I really meant be early. If work starts at 8, be there at 7:45, 7:50. By the time your coat's off, computer's on, and you're settled in, it's 8:00. As an intern, you're trying to learn how an office works, trying to meet people/network, learning some skills, but most of all it's basically a 3 month audition.
  17. One page, no more. I would barely give it a look if it were longer, especially at your age. No offense intended at all. Shave, wash and comb your hair for interviews, iron your clothes, and if you have any piercings/earrings, leave them at home. Study up on the company(ies) you get an interview with. Know what they do, their competitors. What can you do for me? What do you bring to the table that makes you better than the 50 others that want this position? Even if you don't get "the one" that you think you wanted, make the most of it: Be on time, work hard, do whatever is asked of you (within reason, of course), cultivate the person whose job you want when you graduate. Even in this economy, if you are a good intern, there's a very good chance that there will be a job for you when you graduate. So, even though it's "just an internship", treat it as though it's the best job ever. Work hard, I guarantee it will pay off both in the short and long term. * edit: PLEASE have someone check your spelling and your grammar, maybe an English prof or grad student. For any interview you're granted, a follow-up letter, hand signed, is absolutely necessary. As jstump noted, a cover letter, hand signed, is needed, and tailor, as much as possible, your resume' and cover letter for each position.
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