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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. ...and what will the re-election rate be come next vote? At least 80% of the House incumbents will still have a job, and likely the same % in the Senate.
  2. -495 (4.17%) @ 15:53 (15 minute dealyed). Bush's fault. Or Reagan's. Couldn't be B. Hussein Obama's fault - he's only been in office 2.75 years.
  3. "I've got nipples Greg, could you milk me?"
  4. Ain't my forum, and I'm not a mod, do whatever you want. My thought: "I've seen Porter's bikes, and he always keeps them in GREAT condition" is helpful. If you know that Porter's bike is rashed on the right side, and he didn't bother to take a picture of that side, and also failed to mention it, then send a PM. No need to call someone out in public until, and only if you know for a fact that the seller is misrepresenting something. If they don't amend their post in response to your PM, by all means call 'em out. Again, common courtesy should be your guide.
  5. ...as if anyone gives a damn what I think... Some other forum I'm on has a rule that won't allow the sort of actions that have been occurring here with regularity - might be the Sig forum, those guys are Nazi's... ***edit - it's one of the Ruger forums. - If you're not genuinely interested in buying the item that's for sale, keep your mouth shut. - If you think the seller is charging too much for something, keep your mouth shut. - If you think all <insert whatever> suck, keep your mouth shut. - If you have one of what the seller is selling and like it, speak up. - If the seller wants to know why they can't sell their item, speak up. - The (by now) seemingly obligatory "LBTS, GLWS" is fine, imho, and provides a free ttt bump for the seller. Basically, don't shit in someone's for sale thread, just (un)common courtesy. My $0.022 worth.
  6. jblosser


    Pepper spray, carried in your pocket.
  7. Jr. and I already have our tickets, else I would take you up on this very generous offer! We're in the B stands, first turn, under the roof. IF you're under a roof (or even if you're not) I STRONGLY suggest ear plugs - it was about the loudest thing I've ever heard last year, and I've been within 300 yards of a tornado... We are heading out in an hour or so, staying until Monday. Anyone else staying at the Comfort Inn and Suites, Airport? Shuttle bus to and from the hotel and track ftmfw... **edit: I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the race is at 1 PM, not AM...
  8. If you need one for medical reasons, fine, get one- no offense intended toward the medically needy. If it's too hot for you to ride in your normal gear, wear a wicking shirt (e.g. Under Armour) - they work great. Or if it's still too hot, decide if it's worth $500, or just take your car/truck and use the a/c. It's hot and humid, but it isn't that bad once you're moving. Commuting in stop and go traffic sucks.
  9. $500??? Drink water, sweat a little. As long as you're moving it's not $500 bad.
  10. Why is there all this motorcycle stuff on a guns forum?
  11. He sold it already. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=80330
  12. "I was on my way to a parade, officer" ???
  13. Tax the wealthy? They're not paying their share? Figures from tax year 2008 (latest I could find in a quick search, figures only include tax returns with a positive Adjusted Gross Income (AGI), not returns that were filed merely to receive a stimulus check): The top 1% (AGI > $380,354) of tax returns paid 38.0% of all federal individual income taxes yet earned 20.0 percent of adjusted gross income. The top 5% (AGI > $159,619) paid 58.7% of federal individual income taxes yet earned 34.7% of the nation's adjusted gross income. The top 50% (AGI > $33,038) paid 97.3% of federal individual income taxes. So, the bottom 50% (that would be half of the taxpayers in the country for those of you that are math-challenged) pay only 2.7% of all federal individual income tax. So, yup, the wealthy aren't doing their part. Tax 'em some more. Source: Internal Revenue Service
  14. I had never (knowingly) heard any of her stuff before Saturday. Listened to 30 second snippets of her Black... album at Amazon, to see what her music was all about and to see what the big deal was about her. Maybe it was the part of each song that they snipped for you to listen to, but they all sounded the same, and weren't (imho) anything special. Was there <some> talent there? I guess. I've heard much, much better voices locally in Columbus (Jeanette Williams comes immediately to mind). I would guess that if she wasn't a train wreck while living, few people would have heard of her beyond a small but loyal fanbase. However, too bad she's gone. R.I.P.
  15. Did this almost 10 years ago. Both deeds have everyone's name listed. Had a real estate attorney draw up a property agreement showing: --who owned what percentage of the property (each of the 4 had 25%, so it was easy in our instance) --if one use of died, what happens to that person's share (it goes to either the spouse (which I don't have any longer) or the child - both couples have one child) --what happens if someone wants out of their share (property to be appraised by two realtors, average those prices, divide by 4 (# of owners), that's what your share is worth and the other 3 will pay you that amount. I've known the other couple a long time, best friends with the guy 33 years, known his wife longer than he has. No troubles there.
  16. I'll go WAY out on a limb here and guess Chebby wants a Bodyguard - either that, or he'll commision a one-off M&P .380... </Free knife sale bump>
  17. Dope smokers carrying guns? What could possibly go wrong? (bonus points if you catch the irony in the smilie) Which court? The one that indicted him or the one that dismissed the indictment? I thought the recent passage of the restaurant carry bill had something in there about this, too. Didn't read that part as it doesn't apply to me.
  18. default username = root default password = admin Could always flash it again. Or, go to wherever you bought it, buy another, then return the one you bricked. But that would be stealing.
  19. .45 will make a bigger hole. .45 will be easier to find in a SHTF situation. .45 is less expensive (in general). Never have shot 10mm. Performance about (and I stress 'about' before all the 'experts' chime in) equal to .357 mag. I always advise 'try it before you buy it' if you can. Since it's your buddy selling it, I'd assume he'll let you try it. My $0.022 worth.
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