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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. Does anyone know any good sources online for accessories? I would like to get a rail mounted flashlight, and a few other lil misc things.
  2. well I have thought of a couple different things -have a bike night type of get together, and talk with the business owner and see if they would be willing to do some sort of fund raiser(i.e certain amount of the money made that night is donated) -have a ride, set it up liike a poker run and have an entry fee, and the entry fee can go to brians foundation Anyone else got any ideas?
  3. i forgot all about this thread!
  4. I havent been out for awhile. I have been in front of my computer like mad professor, trying to figure out putting a new tune on the triumph.
  5. well I just got back in, we went out about 9 am, and i tell you its just alil chilly to be out for along time.
  6. you can also join the group and then send out invitations for others to join!
  7. my bad on the side car guys! anyways, as for the pain, I certainly wondered about that!
  8. I dont blame you a bit bro! If theres anything I can do let me know. If you wanna go to a bike night, let me know, ill take off work an hour early and cage it over, and we will go.
  9. cat walk is what i thought too... So i had a random idea. Have you thought of a sidecar at all? You could put your chair in it. that way, you could still ride your bike anywhere you wanted to go and not had to worry about having to get off? You could have attack painter paint up the side car real badass, and paint the 650 to match! http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c9/R68-sidecar.jpg
  10. hmm. i can't come up with anything whitty! its gettin kinda late..
  11. thanks sam sir! Your on a roll tonight with all this help! I havent seen one smart ass comment tonight! HAHA
  12. perhaps. Ive never done a whole lot with facebook. But id say the hyperlink button would do it.
  13. could you just add the link into the text, and it will highligh itself and be clickable?
  14. excellent! thank you again Tyler for doing that.
  15. Yea, if we could get a thread stickied with just that link perhaps that would be better than stickying this thread
  16. I don't know if theres a way to upload pics to a group, but maybe get a pic of brian in there?
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