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Posts posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. I only put soap/shampoo on it once a week and it's fine. What do you mean by disasterous? Like full of food and lady juices? Comb that shit out.

    As far as never having dry skin or acne under your beard, good for you. Everyone's skin is different and you got lucky.

    I work outside. I ride my motorcycle daily. My beard hangs out of the bottem of my helmet. I find bugs and stuff from work all the time. I have to wash it everyday, or I'd have grass clippings and all sorts of crap in it all the time .

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  2. Wash your beard weekly that’s a long time between washings I wash my beard every day when I take a shower. But I am a hairy kind of guy I look like a Sasquatch. When we are camping it can get dangerous running around in the woods with my shirt off. LOL

    If I washed my beard once a week it would be disasterous

  3. Brought to your attention?! That sounds interesting...

    I started my beard in August but I'm a trimmer... Always messing with it. Anyways, last year I bought this stuff. It's a mix of manly leather extract and pure oil drawn from the blubber of baby seals.




    I'm slow tonight... Explain the joke here. I'm missing it. 

  4. I have had a beard for 39 years I shaved if off about 30 years ago and the wife slept on the sofa for about 10 days until it grew back. It has been short, ZZ Top style and everything in between. I am working on getting it back to the ZZ Top style now. What the hell is beard oil I have never used anything on my beard except bar soap. I have all the hair on my head but I keep it less then an inch long.


    My reason for turning to beard oil is because my face would dry out so bad, and hurt so bad, I couldn't even touch my beard. Once i started using beard oil, the problem went away.

  5. I think this should become the OR beard talk thread.

    Roger that! I've had a beard for years. My latest beard was started in February of 2013. It's currently an inchish above the nipple line.

    I was a standard conditioner mixed with Moroccan oil. Let it soak in the shower for a few and rinse it out right before I'm out of the shower.

    I then chase that with either a beard specific oil such as "dream beard" or a store bought olive oil based hair treatment with the beard still wet. Brush it and your ready to rock!

  6. My beard is ridiculous. It's bad when grown men and bearded ladies stop you to admire it.....

    This happens to me on a daily basis. If you know me, you know my beard.

    I use a few different products on my beard, to prevent beardruff, and dry facial hair . I don't wanna hi- jack your thread with my beard talk. Of your interested PM me

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