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Posts posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. I would like to check out the entire sunday ride, but I am unavailable sunday. If I knew the route, I would be more than willing to lead, but since i have only riden it partially once, I dont think I should take on this task. If we dont ride the sunday ride, I am sure there are plenty of places to ride other than just that.

  2. im ready to ride. thursday, friday, sat or sun. whenever you guys say when. Id love to get a decent group together. I would really like to go on the entire sunday ride. RSVDON and I did a portion of it last thursday. I am free this thurs if anyone would be interested in doing it after I get off work at 4. I just dont know the route, so someone else would have to lead!

  3. I just stumbled across this thread. and all I can say is my my. I get waves all day long from harley riders, and I wave right back. Because we have one thing in common. we like to ride. plain and simple.

  4. I think you guys have made my mind up. I am pretty sure thats what I am going to get this coming spring. =) Of course I may still keep the f3 around, incase my girlfriend decided she wants to learn to ride. I would really like to get a chance to go out and ride one for a day though, or atleast a couple hours.

  5. i been there man! Some days I go out and ride 300 miles no problem what so ever, I just ride and ride and explore and just find every fun road i can. Other days I go out and I wonder why I even got on my motorcycle that day.Somedays I have no motivation to ride, and I make myself ride and those rides turn out to be the best. Other days I go out and carve corners like its my job, other days, I just cant seem to get into the swing of things. Last time I had a day like that, I dropped my bike in my driveway. =( I decided that on those days, I just wont mess with her.

  6. most definitly. My girlfriend loves to ride also, but the f3, two up, for more than 60 or 70 miles is just uncomfy for the two of us. I can put hundreds of miles at a time on the f3 by myself. I hate to get a cruiser and have to have two bikes. Id like to find one that does both equally well. Any thoughts you guys have? I have always been a die hard honda guy but im not completly restricted to that.

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