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Posts posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. Sorry Dime, couldn't be more wrong

    I looked into buying a shaft drive bike awhile back, a gs850 i belive, and was going to build a hardtail, and a few guys on another forum went on a huge rant about how shaft drive shouldnt be used and this that and the other. Thats the only reason I said that.

  2. The ride doesn't usually happen until 11am....which its not.

    But yes...There is easily a point where its too hot to ride in full gear.

    i was joking around about the heat. There is a point where i switch from leather to textile jackets. As far as 11 am goes, i thought the thread was about having a ride earlier than 11.

  3. I have been working on a buddy of mines 77 kz650. Mostly stock other than a mac header and exhaust. I can't get the damn thing to idle right. I will get it to idle nice and smooth, and as soon as you rev it, sometimes the RPMS will just hang around 4k and then idle back down. other times its nice and crisp. The next issue im running into is, I will get it idling nice around 1500, and then the idle will slowly drop to 1000, and then it starts getting rough and acts as if it wants to die and sometimes will if your not quick enough on the throttle. anyone have any thoughts?

  4. Last weekend I went over to iron pony and bought a light smoke visor for my sprint helmet. After three or four rides I decided I dont care for the tinted visor and put my clear back on. My clear has a few scratchs on it. I would be willing to trade this visor for a good clear one or sell it if anyone would be interested?

  5. i met up with demented the other night. i got the tire and a swing arm stand and a few other things from him, i owe him 20 bucks next time i see him, but super nice guy! If anyone has a left side 96 tail peice let me know!!

  6. Well from the recent research I have done , I personally would stay away from shinkos. I was reading reveiws and most everyone said they were terriable. Although I have no personal experience. A few buddies of mine run avons, and swear by them.

  7. How fast do you go? How hard to you corner?

    Popular opinion is no, but plugs work well...I put a plug in a tire once and rode it until I have the green to buy a new one. I just didn't ride as hard or go as fast.

    i rarley go over 75-80. as far as corning, i use just about my entire 160, if that says anything? Would you be willing to do this patch/plug( i think the one that you do from the inside would be best) and mount and balence for me?

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