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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. I suggest flat bottom. Allows you to get into more shallow depths.
  2. I have an 08 wr250x that came with the power core4 muffler and the power bomb header. I also have the FMF tuner. As you all know its stupid loud. I have since swapped the stock exhaust system back on. It runs nicely with the tuner and the air box mods I have done with the stock exhaust, but its lost a little top end with the more restrictive exhaust. Is there anything out there that isn't so crazy loud and still flows well?
  3. glad everyone is relatively OK. Prayers go out for a speedy recovery.
  4. thanks man! I appreciate it. I was initially rather intimidated by the track. I've done two days at putnam, but as you know, they are entirely different beasts. I was thankful to have logged as many miles as I have in the mountains and to be comfortable with the elevation changes and off camber turns. I had a fantastic time. I probably won't make it back until spring, but I'm sure looking forward to it!
  5. just think, no gravel, no cars, no deer, just WOT throttle and some fun.
  6. It's coming next time. I didn't think they'd let me run it for whatever the reason! I may swing by g&j sat and run some laps if I'm able too. What do they require to ride ?
  7. I ride a wr250x daily. It's my commuter. Haven't hit the kart track with it yet, but it's coming soon.
  8. Do you have any video footage? I'd love to see some of me from behind.I will look through the rest of my footage and see if I came up on you at all. I know I have some of a fellow on an rc51. How do you like your 675 on the track?
  9. Helmutt, snot and I ventured to mid ohio on 7/18 Rode my first mid ohio PTR... Mid ohio ran a fantastic novice program. Learned a lot. The people were great. Huge props to them. Heres one of my novice sessions. I started out in group 6, because I'd never been on mid ohio before. The CR told me to move to a faster group. I spoke with the guy running the novice group, and he told me to meet him in hot pit for the next session. We ran a session between group 2 and 3 and then ran a session behind group 1. He then threw at me we were going out in front of group 1, and thats what him and I did the rest of the day. Heres the first session him and I went out ahead of group one. My lines aren't perfect, but I sure had fun. The SV is way more fun on the track than I ever imagined.
  10. I'll just take your advice and steer away from them. Good looking out.
  11. Heres one of my novice sessions. I started out in group 6, because I'd never been on mid ohio before. The CR told me to move to a faster group. I spoke with the guy running the novice group, and he told me to meet him in hot pit for the next session. We ran a session between group 2 and 3 and then ran a session behind group 1. He then threw at me we were going out in front of group 1, and thats what him and I did the rest of the day. Heres the first session him and I went out ahead of group one. My lines aren't perfect, but I sure had fun. The SV is way more fun on the track than I ever imagined.
  12. Great track day yesterday, aside from everyone going down. Learned a lot , ready for the next one!
  13. Make me an offer. I need the space in my garage.
  14. I had a gen one for quite awhile. I know your after a gen 2, but my thoughts on the gen 1 are this. Long distance's its fantastic. Gobs of power, handles great with the right mods. I loved mine for a long time, until I fell in love with sumo.
  15. Sounds like a good route to me! Thanks
  16. I gotta say, the ride from Fontana to the triangle was terrible. I probably won't do the triangle again unless I'm just passing through. Triangle was OK but I'd rather ride 28 back and forth all day long than ride to the triangle again.
  17. I have a 2002 fz1 engine that would turn this thing into a rocket ship cheaply....
  18. show up with an open mind, and willing to learn. Also be ready for the addiction. It will happen. Get a good nights sleep before hand, and stay hydrated. eat light .
  19. I'll be riding friday. and heading home friday night.
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