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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. I saw the fz1 version while back and the carbon wrapped around the end caps wasn't cut nicely, they over hung a bit and looked sloppy. Not saying they all look like that, but the one I saw did. Just looked like somthing Someone made in their basement.
  2. Not a dan moto fan. I'm a sucker for little details, and the ones I've seen lack that.
  3. This always seems like a great idea until I hear of people having nightmare situations with tenants
  4. stole this idea from another forum. Enjoyed reading it. Thought I would make one here... If you had 50k, How would you invest it?
  5. http://www.trident-exhausts.co.uk sound clip http://s13.photobucket.com/user/lowxpectationz20/media/100_0876.mp4.html
  6. Heres what I ran on my sprint. It was freakin loud. Too loud by my standards today. I like a nice quiet bike. Thats a trident racing shorty slip on. I had it shipped over from england.
  7. I love the angel GT's. I railed the absolute hell out of them on my fz1. Ran two track days, and a ton of mountain miles. new- mounted by hoblick track day- ran them at 30/30, and performed flawlessly.
  8. love that generation of triumph. Had an 02 sprint myself. The 955 engine is fantastic, and I didn't realize how great of an engine it truly was until, I didn't own it anymore :-\ I'm in the troy area, and ride fairly regularly, so If you spot a blue 2000 SV or a blue yamaha super moto, its a good chance its me. Stop and say hello!
  9. I've been using Pro tint. They have been great. http://www.prowindowtint.com
  10. I got her figured out. Went back to the stock header. Bike runs much better , and has better low to mid than with the PowerBomb. It knocked the noise down a bit also. Thanks for the input guys
  11. okay, fair enough. I guess I just need to get to the track and play with some settings and see if i can get it dialed in.
  12. it just sorta feels like the front end goes where it wants, it may just me not being used to the riding style of the sumo.
  13. I need to get my suspension set up. I've never set up suspension on a super moto. Only my SV650, and that was just springs and emulators and oil. The bike feels like its just sorta floating. Doesn't feel planted. I've set the sag at 3.5. I'm about 175-180 in full gear. (full leathers, helmet ,gauntlet gloves, boots). Do I need to respiring this thing? What can I do to make it feel planted?
  14. those who ride with me, know I'm a HUGE advocate of the MSF course. I feel you will learn more in that class, than you could learn in 3 seasons of riding on the street. Once you get the MSF down, get your license , and ride a little. Sign up for a novice track day. I assure you, even if you don't want to go fast, and don't have any interest in track riding, you will learn a TON.
  15. you guys got me there. I suppose maybe I oughta check out the cabins.
  16. I've always pondered this. Apparently it can happen.
  17. fontana is fine, although there are a few things I dislike. #1: They removed the coffee machine from the lodge,forcing you to buy a 3 dollar cup of coffee, or a 12 dollar pot of coffee. #2: Last year they tried to stick us in one of the remote lodge rooms, that aren't connected to the lodge. No cell phone or inter webs in those buildings. Just the lodge. #3 The price seems excessive, when you can venture down the road for about 53$ a night. I understand that fontana is one of the few places big enough for the O.R crew, but its still average priced with a standard hotel around my area. #4 Always having to unhook my trailer because there aren't any places to park my truck and trailer hooked up.
  18. Are you the one whose been leaving the coins in shadys house?
  19. I've been looking at that as well, as a replacement for my qwest
  20. I disagree with this, because often times depending where his camera is mounted, Theres alot that the camera can see but not the driver. For example. Heres a go pro video I took last night. The driver isn't even able to fully turn his head due to his hans device head restraint. If you watch, he gets into the wall , and he had no idea he was that close to the wall, due to visibility.
  21. Baked beans turn out well. Just don't get them too smokey. My favorite. I really want to do some lamb after seeing those pictures. Anyone ever do much with lamb? I don't think I have ever even eaten lamb.
  22. I have witnessed this with my own 4 eyes. I purchased tires from a member on here( can't remember what is user name was, he was out of cinci). He had gone down at about 30 and he clearly still had red textile stuck in his arm. I've been leather ever since.
  23. You could always get leathers and do a track day. I assure you, you will learn more in that day, than you will in years on riding on the street. You will also be more comfortable with your motorcycle by the end of the day. You can also ride the vulcan. There is no "sport bike required"
  24. yep. Probably bring the 250, and the 650.
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