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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. I miss yours, and I only rode it once...
  2. I've oooogled that quite a bit myself! I think I'm going wr250x. I know its not the fastest sumo, or the best sumo out there, but I've wanted one since 2008, when I first laid eyes on one!
  3. Thanks. Now to scratch this super moto itch
  4. Few things to sell. Gen 1 Fz1 engine. 26k on the clock when removed.Complete except carbs. Second gear dogs are worn a bit and "skips" once in awhile. Engine ran great. 400$ I have a brand new pilot power 180/55. manufactuer date 2013. I have a national cycles touring windscreen also for the fz1. Very light use. Tiny scratch in the lower black portion. 75$ http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/34603/i/national-cycle-replacement-screens
  5. Well my day is still for sale if anyone is interested in a novice day.
  6. As long as the guy shows up tomorrow. He left me a deposit last Saturday
  7. Just did this with the fz1 yesterday. Went to the bank to have it notorized to give it to it's new owner tomorrow.
  8. I emailed them and they agreed to allow me to reschedule , with a 50 dollar reschedule fee
  9. I hope so. I paid months ago and work has gotten crazy in the last week.
  10. The longevity is what intrigues me about the WR so much. I plan to use it as my commuter bike also. Im not looking to be super fast. Just to have some fun. I won't be actually racing the bike. just playing.
  11. would you be interested in buying my session? I've had some work related things come up and may not be able to make it. If not, My spot will potentially be available if anyone else is interested.
  12. im 100% certain. I've witnessed the little beast in action with my own 4 eyes =) I can verify that when he enters the dragon that bike, I never see him again after that first turn.
  13. Absolutely, I was just throwing out what I was told.
  14. Well if everything comes together , I'll have a wr250x. I was chatting with turnone awhile back and he said he'd tried to ride his 125 on a kart track and it was terrifying.
  15. Well I still want one damnit. :-P I've lusted one for years
  16. I've eyed that one up as well! thankfully its out of my price range!
  17. I seem to see lots of people rebuilding the 400sms , due to eating valves. None with the wr. Hard to say why. Maybe there just isn't many of them on the road.
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